Chapter 1: Andrew Meets His Star

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He was world renowned, built his way to the top with his catchy lyrics and seemingly inhuman ability to play the electric guitar so well. and yet again, playing at one of his gigs. the stage was set up with blinding lights and plumes of flames shooting into the sky, as the massive speakers blared his music throughout the stadium. the music died down as he stopped playing, sitting on a stool. "hah... just wanted to, take a little break to thank you guys for coming out! theres like what... fuckin- thousands of people out here! gotta catch my breath, aint as spry as i used to be!" Connor laughed, taking a swig from a beer bottle he had in a six pack beside his stool. it was true, Connor may be only 21 years old, but he had packed it on since he hit the big leagues. he was maybe 300 lbs now, his partying habits and constant junk binging not helping whatsoever. "well! i say we got 2 more songs left in the set before i pack it in! unless i get an encore~"

The crowd roared to life, screams and shouts mixing into a chorus of "CONNOR! CONNOR! CONNOR! CONNOR!" One fan way in the back row seemingly felt as if he was cheering the loudest, pumping his fists in the air as he screamed. Andrew, the self proclaimed #1 fan, had attended many shows of Connor. However he was never able to afford front row seats due to tight college budgets. His grey eyes shone brightly admist the plumes of fire that erupted from the flamethrower-esque cannons, as a familiar guitar medley started to play.

"i should point out that, one lucky sunnuvagun will be gettin a vip pass to visit me in my change room after the show! now i if any of yall are new here, i will be taking this," he reached down, pulling out a launcher device that looked like a gun. "and firing off one pass into the crowd! whoever grabs it, gets it! now dont be pricks an fight over it, be fair! theres always another concert~" he teased, setting it down. he then began to play another song. Andrew always tried to get that pass, but every time he never did. but, he was determined this time.

Just as the song was about to end, during the final guitar solo, Connor shot the pass up into the air. The crowd screamed, and dozens of hands flew up into the air trying to grab at the priceless pass. Andrew saw the pass fly closer towards him. Closer. Closer. He felt people rush forward, trying to grab it. Andrew pushed himself up and leaped into the air, the VIP pass flying through his fingers. He closed them just in time! He fell to the concrete floor with a thud, and people swarmed around him, trying to rip the pass out of his hands. He held onto the pass with all his life, feeling his face and any exposed parts of his skin getting scratched by fans.

Connor stopped playing, seeing what looked to be a lynch mob getting formed. "AYAYAYAYAYYAY AY AY!!!" he shouted into his mic. "get the fuck off of that guy!! or ill have you lot kicked out and banned from my events!!!" he continued, watching the crowd disperse, Andrew still on the ground with some small bruises and scratches. "someone help him-get him to his feet!" a security guard rushed over, helping Andrew to his feet. "you good? we got a medic on standby if your really banged up," the guard said, making sure everybody stood back.

"Just-Just a bandaid for my nose please.." Andrew responded in a dazed manner, taking off his glasses and seeing the nose piece coated im blood. It wasn't uncommon for one of Connor's concerts to get violent when a pass would get tossed out. With such a large amount of people with 1 tiny pass to grab, it created a ton of chaos. The body guards led him through the crowds, and Andrew made sure to clutch the pass tightly to his chest, feeling jealous death glares boring into the back of his head.

the security guard guided Andrew backstage, and down a hallway. he opened up a door, showing him inside. the room was messy, food wrappers and containers and empty bottles everywhere. yep, this was Connor's room. the security guard gave Andrew a bandaid before stepping out. "he'll be here in uahh.... a few minutes." he said before leaving. this was it! Andrew would finally get a chance to meet his idol! Andrew didn't know what to do with himself, he stood frozen in his spot. Shakily he unwrapped the bandaid and placed it on his bleeding nose. The bandaid made his glasses sit wonky, and he inwardly cringed at the fact that he would look like an idiot in front of his idol.

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