Chapter 78~!

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"What is Sunshyn drooling on?" America wondered aloud as we walked past the young dog and whatever he had trapped under his large paws. I knelt down and saw a flash of canary yellow.

"Sunshyn! No, give back Gilbird!" I said, trying to snatch the small bird away. Sunshyn roofed in response and picked the tiny bird gently in his mouth, scampering away. I jumped at him and missed getting ahold of his tail by a half inch. "Sunshyn, don't hurt him! It's not like I saved him for nothing, y'know!"

"Vhat's zhat supposed to mean?" a German voice asked from behind me, and my eyebrows shot up as I turned. Prussia stood there, looking nonchalant yet wondering what all the fuss was about. "And vhere is Gilbrid Zhe Great?"

I smiled. "Gilbird Zhe Great? I didn't know that was his full name."

"Actually is it Gilbird Frederich Wilhelm Zhe Great of Awesomeland Zhe Third," he stated proudly.

I sweatdropped. "I can see why you shortened it up. Anyway, I'm trying to reclaim him from the dog for you."

"Ein Hund? Nein! Release my poor Gilbird Zhe Great!" Prussia yelled, running after Sunshyn. I caught him by the back of his shirt collar and held him there.

"Whoa there, think about this for a second. Sunshyn hates men, he'll probably bite down too hard on Gilbird if you go after him. I got this, just watch." And with that, I raced after the huge puppy dog and caught him by the collar. When I did, he let go of Gilbird, who dropped to the floor, a soaked and yellow mess of feathers. I scooped him up and pulled the goopy salive away from his beak, letting him breathe easier now. He twittered and flapped his sticky wings, rejoicing to be free.

"Here, y'are," I said, settling Gilbird into the palm of Prussia's hand gently.

"Danke!" he said happily, nuzzling the bird despite it being disgustingly moist. "Oh, Gilbird, I vas vorried vhen you didn't come back~"

"Wait a second, why are you out of your cell?" I asked him curiously. "Aren't you not supposed to be out?"

"Nein, vhere else am I supposed to go?" Prussia replied while drying off his companion with a cloth. "I vas just... acting! Ja, zhat's vhat I vas doing."

"You didn't know the door was unlocked, did you," I guessed, and his confident look wavered.

"Did you know?"

I shook my head. "Nein, I just hazarded a guess."

He sighed. "Ja, it vas unlocked. I didn't know. Are you happy now?"

I giggled and sat next to him. "Eh, it sorta depends. I'm happy right now, but that could all change pretty quickly."

He snorted. "Zhat's vomen for you."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Meh. Men can be annoying, too, y'know."

"Ja, I do," he said with a grin. "So, tell me, vhat are you doing on zhis ship? How vere you kidnapped? You didn't tell me much before."

"Oh, well..." I began to tell him how it all happened a couple weeks ago (had it really been that long?) with playing in the ocean, and how that led to being taken aboard this pirate ship and being forced to beg for my life. "Which, by the way, wasn't fun. At all."

"Ja, vell, zhe awesome Prussia has never had to beg for his life because he is too awesome!" Prussia declared.

I sighed and gave a small laugh. "You really didn't change, huh."

"Vhat vas zhat?"

I waved it off. "Nothing, nothing. What about you? How'd you get captured?" He looked at the ground to his side, refusing to talk. I shook his arm with both my hands like a child. "Tell meee~!"

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