-Chapter 1-

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"Cathrine!", I heard my mum yell frantically.

Straight away I knew something bad was happening. Quickly I ran down stairs while stuffing my Samsung Galaxy into the back of my short pockets and went to my mum who was standing in the door-way of the backdoor.

"What is it mum?". I question with a slight tint of worry in my voice.

My mum is a paraplegic, meaning; she can't use her legs since her spine had been damaged from a car accident 3 years ago. I'm 17 now, but had to drop out of school at the age of 15 so I could get a full time job and help pay the bills etc.

"Luke just ran off!", Before I knew it, I found myself running after a 13 year old boy known as my younger sibling.

Running through the damn forest, I yelled his name continuously in worry and fear. Luke came over every second weekend. Since my parents are divorced my dad was the full time parent for Luke and I stayed with mum. Something must of caught his attention if he ran into the damn woods!.

"Cat!, you have to see this!", his childish voice whispered loudly too me. Yes, he called me 'cat' that is my nickname to almost everyone I know.

I quickly and cautiously I ran to the wide eyed boy who pointed at a scenery a head of him. Raising an eyebrow I look in the direction he is pointing in before going wide eyed myself.

"Holy shi-Potato", I whisper in shock.

I don't swear around Luke as I don't want to be a bad influence around him, plus mum would send me to the moon if she heard me curse out loud.

There it was, a big ass giant metal robot. He seemed to have the colour scheme of Captain America as he fought another robot near him who was pretty much the same height as him.

"Prime!, what brings you here on this awful day!?", the silver robot claimed loudly as he transformed his damn hand into a freaking gun!.

The Captain America robot seemed to draw out a sword his blue eyes narrowed at the silver robot. I started to panic. We are going to die from a damn alien!. We are going to die!.

"Luke, let's leave!", I whisper harshly at my younger sibling who glared at me, "No way!", he yelled back and I quickly hushed him, but of course the two robots heard us as they both faced us.

"Ah?, you've seem to brought company Optimus. Here let me fix the issue", The robot claimed darkly before firing at us. I screamed before grabbing Luke and booking it as the shot had just missed us. We would of been toast god damn it!.

"What are they!?", Luke yelled as the robot named 'Optimus' or 'Prime' tackled the other robot to the ground. "I don't know and I don't want to find out!", I yelled back at him dodging plants and trees that seemed to fly around in the air before smashing back into the moist soil once again.

Another shot was fired at us, luckily we dodged it and it hit the ground instead. Running as fast as possible across our backyard which was 2 acres!. -Yes mum owned a big area of land-

Bullets fired around us many being deflected in random directions. "Keep running!", I yelled to Luke over the gunfire and held a tight grip on his wrist as we headed to house, before we knew it we had made it back home and pretty much bashed through the back wooden and screen door.

We were a mess in the lving room. Breathing heavily, our hair messy and our clothes needing badly re-adjusting, dirt smudged on us here and there, but we had survived a damn alien fight.

"What happened you two?", Mum's sweet voice entered my hearing as she rolled into the living room by her wheelchair, her light green eyes looked us over worried.

This was the moment when I knew my mum was seriously deaf.

"Nothing mum", I lied, not wanting to freak her out. Finally catching my breath, "Luke and I just fell in some mud"

Mum sighed in relief seeming to buy the excuse I had made. Luke and I shared a look. Luke faked a grin before speaking up, "Mum, Me and Cat are gonna go play some Xbox!", Luke cheered and dragged me upstairs. Mum smiled lightly at us two before going back to whatever she was up to.

Luke and I pretty much slammed his bedroom door shut. I yelped tripping over some mess that was scattered across his bedroom floor. damn he needs to clean his frigging room!.

Luke ran a hand through his blonde hair as his hazel eyes showed fear, "Cat, will they find us?", he asked with worry and I sighed failing to walk around his room.

"I don't know. heck I don't think they will, it will be impossible for them to recognize us. There are a lot of people out there", I claimed calmly.

"Says the one with blue hair", My brother rolled his eyes at me and I glared at him, "a lot of people dye their hair blue you know!", I argued back making him snort.

"Please, they'd recognize you from a million miles away!", he exaggerated and threw a hand up in the air.

I was about to protest when mum yelled, "You two quit fighting!", Our shoulders dropped and we sighed in defeat before I whispered quietly, "I am sure they'd be gone by now"

"Okay, sure because 2 giant alien robots just disappear without a trace to be found!", Luke replied in a harsh tone. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, i shall check for you", I state and open his window that showed the whole lay out of the back yard.

Leaning slightly out the window I checked for two giant alien robots. "I see nothing", I say bluntly. Luke squeezed his head out the window and looked himself, "huh, they actually did disappear", he said slightly impressed.

Suddenly a robotic face appeared in our eyesight we both shared a scream and fell backwards. Quickly we both crawled back to the other side of Luke's bedroom trying to get away from the alien robot, "hush, I will not hurt you humans", His baritone voice claimed making chills run down my spine and goosebumps appear on my arms.

"This is so cool!", Luke yelled going to advance the robot who blinked at him but I forced him to stay on the ground earning a glare from him, I ignore it as I kept my eye on the robot outside his window.

"Shall we discuss this situation outside?", the robot suggested carefully trying not to scare the crap out of us more. No way are we going out there to be squished!. Before I could protest, Luke beamed before running off in a blink of an eye, I followed like an lost puppy.

This is not good.

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