The Soul Snatchers

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Heey everyone. Here's a prolouge I've had sitting for a while, could you please tell me if it's worth continuing?

Thanks xx


I quickly grabbed all my thick messy hair and tied it into a bun. I stood on the tips of my toes so that I could see my face in the mirror above my mom’s dressing table and stretched up as high as I could, but I could only barely see the top of my black hair. I sighed in frustration and turned to face the door that led out into the corridor,

“Roanne, hurry up!” my little brother yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

“I’m coming.” I shouted in reply, he always became impatient when it came to granny, and her stories. He loved to hear them, but I didn’t really understand why. Afterwards he would always be terrified for days to come, but not me though. I was 10, I was old and mature and responsible, and I would never believe in Granny’s scary stories.

Tonight Gran was going to tell us one last story; we both sighed and complained at the thought. Both my brother and I loved Gran’s stories and waited eagerly every Saturday when mom went out with her new boyfriend James. They left at 6 pm, leaving my brother, Nate and I with Gran until they came home.


“I’m coming, just wait up a couple of minutes.”

I heaved yet another huge sigh and headed towards the staircase that led down to the living room where Gran and Nate would be.

Once I got to the living room I sat on the floor next to Nate, who was staring up at granny on the sofa.

“So,” She began, “Tonight my dears I shall tell you the final story of our not-so-good friends the Soul Snatchers.” She paused slightly, winked at Nate and continued,

“The Soul Snatchers stalk the night, waiting, searching for innocent children. No-one will ever know what happens to the children’s souls once the Snatchers have taken them, but we do know that the Snatchers soul will then occupy the child’s body forever more. And tonight my dears I tell you the story of Tameka Chias, and what happened once she received a little visit from the Soul Snatchers.” 


So, besides grammar mistakes and things like that what'd you think?

Please comment and tell me :D

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