october 30, 2021, 9:21am

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Me and Ty were working together as interns for a research facility. It was really boring office life for the most part: filing papers and faxing things and getting coffee for the researchers who wouldn't explain exactly what it is that they do. One day we had a staff team building exercise out in the woods and it was going fine until we heard really loud thunder in the distance and the wind picked up and my boss came running from the trees and told me and Ty to follow her, so we ran after her. While we were running a bright light flashed in my eyes and I had a vision of a giant moth with wet wings and somehow I knew that that was what was chasing us.

So we went into this little cement building and ran down the stairs and my boss told us to keep going down the stairs until we found her again and then she disappeared. So me and Ty were running around and every floor had a different setup so we were struggling a bit. All of them had walls covered in monitors showing footage of random places and random people going about their days. I guess the company's "research" was watching random people. We didn't have time to be weirded out because the thunder kept getting closer which I knew meant the wet moth was still after us. On one floor we couldn't find the stairs so we split up to look and I found them and started running down and while I was on the stairs I looked and saw another identical set of stairs that Ty was running down. I slipped and fell and landed at the bottom of the stairs and saw my boss. She was kneeling over a small fire praying. Ty was already there standing behind her because he didn't fall and lose time. We didn't know what to do because she just sat there praying and didn't acknowledge us.

Suddenly this big, booming voice shook the entire building and told us we were encountering an elder god who was there to protect the earth from the company we work for and said that the company would suck the life force from us the way it's depleting the energy from the earth itself. The moth flashed through my mind again and my vision was flooded with white light and when I could see the real world again the building was being ripped apart. All the floors above us were being torn out and up into the sky and the moth came in and beat my boss into the ground with one big wet heavy wing.

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