Meeting His Brothers

Start from the beginning

"Mickey," a voice that I could only assume was Leo's said, "are you making soup? It smells delicious."

"Nope," Mickey said cheerfully, obviously overjoyed that his eldest brother was awake, "Y/n is."

"Y/n?" Leo asked. "She came with you guys?"

Was his voice always that deep?

"Yep," Casey said. "She's helped us out a lot."

I smiled at the compliment as I walked into the living room with a bowl of stew. Leo smiled up at me with an appresitive look. I smiled back at him and sat down beside him. I began to carefully feed him the stew as Donnie examined him. Leo blushed slightly in embarrasment and awkwardness of a person he barely knew feeding him. Donnie scowled slightly at Leo's blush causing me to send him a warning look. Leo must have picked up on this because he look inquisitevly between us. April gave him the downlow of what had happened while he was out. Leo soon finished up the stew. "You've been here three months?" Leo asked. "I've been out that long?"

I placed a consoling hand on his shoulder, "Hey, I know this is a lot to get your head around. But we're safe here and everyone has been training in your absence."

"Thanks, Y/n," Leo said with a smile.

"Everyone was worried sick, Leo," April continued. "Raph barely slept."

Raph quickly pushed the compliment aside; not wanting his 'tough guy' act to falter, "Eh, it was nothin'."

"Why does his voice sound different," Casey asked in reference to Leo. 

"He had damaged down to his lungs... and pretty much every other part of his body too," Donnie said. 

Donnie got up and passed by me. He placed a quick kiss on my cheek. Immediately, Leo's head snapped towards us. He looked between the two of us confused, "What? Wha??? Why did you-"

Donnie laughed nervously, "Uh, we've been dating for two months and 5 days now."

"Aww, Donnie is counting the days exactly!!" Mickey squealed. 

I blushed fiercely and hid my face in Donnie's arm. Donnie smiled down at me and pet my hair a tiny bit. 

"So let me get this straight," Leo managed to chuckle. "Donnie is in the most adorable relationship ever?"

We both blushed and I nuzzled more into Donnie's arm. 

"Pretty much," everyone else said. 


Word Count: 458


"M-Mickey, I don't know," I said scepticaly as my boyfriend dragged me through the sewers to the lair. 

"Come on, dudette!!!" Mickey whined. "I want you to meet them and they really want to meet you too. At least Leo and Donnie do. Raph still doesn't believe I have a girlfriend."

I frowned at Mickey, "I'm sorry, Miikestar. *Sigh* I guess we should prove him wrong, huh?"

Mickey pulled me into a tight hug, "Shell yeah, dudette!" 

I giggled lightly and followed him to the lair. I was amazed to see it was clean and tidy. I was even more amazed to see another turtle on the couch watching TV. He had a red bandanna on and a turtle resting on his shoulder. 

"Hey, Raph! Come meet my girlfriend!" Mickey encouraged his older brother.

"Right," the turtle said skeptically, turning around. He stopped in shock when he saw you standing behind Mickey. "Wha... I..."

Mickey smiled at his brother's inability to speak, "Yep. That's right. My girlfriend."

Raph was quiet for a minute before yelling, "Leo!!! Donnie!!! Get your shells in here!!!"

Two more turtles ran into the room. 

"What is it?" the turtle with the blue mask asked, holding his swords, ready for an attack. 

"I'm guessing that it's that," the purple clad turtle said, pointing to you. 

You blushed harder and scooted closer to Mickey. 

"Bros, this is my girlfriend, Y/n," Mickey introduced and stepped out of the way so that they could see me better. I suddenly felt very self-conceous and decided that I may not have chosen the correct outfit after all. After an awkward silence Leo approached me and held out his hand, "I'm Leo, Mickey's oldest brother and the leader of the team."

I timidly shook his hand. "Y-y/n," I squeaked. Mickey already introduced me! Why did you tell him your name again! Y/n, you're so stupid!

Raph sat down once more to watch his show. He turned his head to glance at me. "Raph," he said gruffly before going back to his show. 

"Raph..." Leo warned. 

"Oh, seriously! Leo, you're not..." Raph began. The two of them were soon in an argument, both of them forgetting I was there. Mickey and Donnie exchanged an annoyed look. Mickey rolled his eyes before pushing me towards his final brother.

"Y/n, this is my brother Donnie," Mickey said. I waved shyly at him and Donnie sent me a friendly smile back. "Y/n really likes science too!" Mickey said with an encouraging smile. 

"Really?" Donnie happily asked. 

"Yeah," I said as I pushed my glasses up my nose. 

"Cool! Maybe we can work on a project together sometime!" Donnie said with a gap-toothed smile. 

"I'd like that," I said with a nod. 

"Enough science talk," Mickey moaned. "I gotta introduce you to Master Splinter!"

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