Lonely Hearts Club

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They don't know what I know.
How long I had to hold.
You're like a commotion
All because of me.



There she is.

An adolescence enters her prime as she engages with the teens surrounding her. She tries so hard to stand out from the others, but little does she know it only helps her blend in. Her innocence is the key, and her body is a three – but only in her mind. She doesn't know her potential.

There he is.

Friendships are his family because his is distorted. Mama's in a cage like Cookie Lyon in a gorilla suit. Daddy doesn't care and his sister isn't there – physical and emotionally. He picks out masks from the closet full of expressions on the daily. He jokes with his crew but never lets them in. They won't understand, only mock because they can't comprehend. He was holding onto a fine thread and was slipping slowly, but his world paused once he met a pair of Brown Eyes.

This is their story.



Justine Skye as Pysche (Brown Eyes)

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Justine Skye as Pysche (Brown Eyes)

Justine Skye as Pysche (Brown Eyes)

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Jake T. Austin as Eros (Chico)

Yan Vostrikov as Apollo (Blood)

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Yan Vostrikov as Apollo (Blood)

Lori Harvey as Medusa (Trinity)

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Lori Harvey as Medusa (Trinity)

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