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Is someone calling me?


probably just my imagination


oh, shit did I fall asleep?

I jolt up and see everyone including the teacher looking at me

"yes, Mrs barker?" I respond putting on my best smile

"Are you sleeping in my class?"

"no, I was simply just closing my eyes "I grin

"They want you in the office" Mrs barker said while rolling her eyes at my antics

I pack my stuff up and head over to the office

thank god they called me out in chemistry class or else I would have probably fallen asleep

anyways my name is Valentina-

who am I even talking to?

this isn't Wattpad you dumb fuck

like I was saying I am Valentina, the girl with no last name

Like who doesn't have a last name?

me that's who

I am 17 years old and I live in Los angeles. No, not the glamorous rich side of LA but more like the shitty run-down side.

I live with my dad and I also do some underground fighting once in a while but I tend to not do it since my body is always in pain.

my body is always covered in scars and wounds
because my dad is an abusive piece of shit

you might be wondering why I have gone to the police right?

well, my precious-

eww I sound like that one ball sack looking ass guy from lord of the rings

the reason why I haven't gone to the police is well because I already have but since john Also known as my father has deceived everyone here into thinking he's some gentle caring father. they think this because my dad has done a lot of "good" people's work which automatically makes him a good person.

Oh boy, how wrong were they

He's anything but nice. all that work is to hide the actual monster that he really Is.

people didn't believe me, so when I went to the police they just told me to go away. they also informed john about how i went to the police station and he did not take it well.

let's just say I got a pretty good beating that day that I won't forget

as I am walking down the hallways of hill view high school my mind starts being flooded with the reason why I am being sent down to the office

did they find out about the prank I did on Mrs johnson? or did they find out about the fight with jenny Jenkins?

she deserved it. she's a bitch for trying to bully a kid she knows won't fight back but hopefully, I won't get kicked out.

I mean it's not the best school but it's better than home

throwback to when I once saw a teacher and a student fucking in a classroom


I step into the front office and check in with the front desk lady who happens to be barbara

more like bitchara.

she is so rude for no reason like I get your life is miserable but don't take it out on the others

she glares at me as I pass her to get into the principal office

as I enter the principal office I see Danny the principal, some random lady, and 3 guys which I failed to notice were there until later.

the lady looked to have been in her mid-twenties. she had her brown hair in a perfectly fitted bun and was wearing a black pencil skirt that fell a little below the knee with a white blouse.

she was honestly a very good looking person

once I see Danny I notice he seemed a little bit down

"Danny my guy I swear I didn't do anything this time," I say

"Valentina you're not in trouble," He assures me

"I am not? so why the fuck am I here? i mean i am not complaining since i am missing chem but still "

"well Valentina  your 'father' has run away," says using quotation marks around the word father

" am I gonna be put in foster care or something?"

please let it be a no, my two best friends ivy and Lucas went Through foster care and it was horrible. They were beaten and degraded every day but not everyone is like that. they were just unlucky to have been placed with living devils

but thankfully they were adopted by wonderful people.

I heard a lot of stories from people who have gone through  foster care and let's just say it's a shitty system but again not the whole system is corrupted

finally, the lady spoke " hi sweetheart my name is Vanessa I am a social worker, and to answer your question no you'll be going with your father and brothers" she says

brothers? father? didn't they just say my dad ran away? my dad has never had any other kids besides me

well, not that I know of I mean I would be surprised if I had like a couple of half-siblings around

"I am sorry but I don't have any brothers and also didn't you just say my dad ran away how am I gonna go with him?"

" we'll you see-"

this sounds like one of those Dhar Mann videos

"- John wasn't your biological father. Your mother ran away with you when you were three years old " she says

"what the fuck "


Chapter one is done! Thank you so much for starting my book it means so much to me I hope you enjoy it. It is still under editing so its a bit messy

word count: 948

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