Chapter 59

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I have learned how to become stronger I feel like a superhero I have fought through so much with my disabilities, my medical conditions and my mental health disabilities

It's hard sometimes when going through the ups and downs living with disabilities, medical conditions and mental health disabilities

Sometimes you have really good days

Sometimes you have really rough days

Sometimes you have really really sad days where you literally just want to curl up in a big ball and just cry

That's all the things I go through

I fight through everything when getting my medical treatments done

I have been in the hospital numerous times due to my HS and I also been in the hospital due to my Tourette's Syndrome as well

I get overwhelmed sometimes when I deal with going to the hospital for my HS it gets hard sometimes

I have learned how to keep my head up high and I have learned how to have faith and to not never give up and to keep going through with my life no matter what happens and no matter how hard things get. 

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