Sam + Dean Imagine

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Imagine :

You slip on a clean pair of skinny jeans and an old Beatles shirt you 'borrowed' from your brother. You head down the stairs and hear a familiar engine riding down the street.

" It can't be " you think to yourself as you lift up the curtains. A smile runs across your face as you see the sun shine off the side of the Impala. You haven't seen the girl in years and you bolt for the door.

You spot Sam and Dean walking towards your house and you run straight for them. They see you and the cutest smile passes over Dean's face. Two inches from him you jump into his arms and he twirls you around him.

" Hey sexy " he says to you as he put you back on earth.

" You could have picked up the phone you jerk I've been worried sick about you " you yell at him while you slap his face.

" I deserve that " he says as his hand rubs the area where you struck him. You turn your gaze to Sam and a smile returns on your face.

" Sam , I've missed you sweetie " you say in a rather high pitched voice. He opens his arms and you squeeze him silly. 

After the initial shock of their arrival you guide them into your Victorian style abode. " Make yourselves comfy " you tell them as you fetch some snacks from the kitchen.

You come back into the room and see Dean's over looking the pictures you have over the fire place.

" Remember when we took that " you say as you come up behind him.

" We were in Montreal when the snow storm hit", he grabs the frame, "the flight got delayed and we stayed in that flimsy motel", " it was so cold we didn't let go of each other the entire night" you interrupt. Both Dean and you look into each other's eyes and there's a sense of nostalgia in the air. Your gazes part as he puts the memory back on the mantle.

You toss Sam a pudding and you hand Dean his. He gives you a sly smile, " I still know your favourite brand of pudding Dean, don't look so surprised" you say while heading to the couch. All three of you dig in.

" So what brings you guys back?", " well we've got a case in town and could use your help " Sam says.

" So what's the problem " you question and so Sam explains the situation.

Turns out people have been dropping left and right and nobody, not even Cas, knows what's causing it.

" You think you could use that thing of yours " Dean says out of nowhere.

" You mean my gift Dean, ya of course I can. You know you boys are lucky you came today ", " why is that " Sam asks. " Well tonight's a sabbath Sammy, which means my specialty is basically kicked up a notch".

" So how are we passing the time " Dean asks while sitting on the arm of the sofa.

" I've got a few ideas".


Night has fallen and the supplies have all been gathered.

You spent the whole afternoon watching old home movies with the boys and it's time to get down to business. The basement has been cleansed and Sam's salting the windows as Dean places the candles.

You've been setting up your space : herbs, Celtic symbols, white ceremonial gown, the whole kit.

" Its time guys " you tell them as you sit down in the middle of twenty four candles. " Now no matter what happens don't step inside the circle OK", you look at Dean, "even if I'm bleeding Dean promise me ".

" Promise " he says with his glance to the ground.

You cross your legs and begin to breath in and out with your eyes closed. You start off by naming your ancestors that share the same gift as you. By the end of that you are under the magic of your bloodline.

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