Stay away

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A week went by, during which Draco successfully avoided Harry. To his own surprise, talking to Pansy actually relieved him. Although the marriage issue still tormented him, he now had the best grades of the year, and this time there was no one like Granger to steal his place. He spent more time in the library, reading books and focusing on his homework. He even signed up for the Slytherin Quidditch team.
     Right after dinner, Draco went straight to the library. He was still having nightmares, and reading was the only thing that could keep his mind busy.

      Draco was about to pull out A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot when someone sat down next to him.

      They sat in a long awkward silence, during which Harry seemed to scan every single one of Draco's features.

    Harry inched closer, but he moved away.

     "Hey. We need to talk"

"We need? When was talking to a Slytherin ever part of the chosen one's needs?" Draco said, laughing bitterly.

"Okay. I want to talk to you."

Draco pulled out his book and started to read.


Draco looked up from his book.

"Look, Potter. I don't know why you put so much effort into this. Just leave me."


Harry would never admit how much those words stung, but he did as he was told.

When he reached the entrance of the library, he froze. Harry was certain he had heard Draco's voice.

He backtracked and hid behind a bookshelf.

"Hi. Can I sit here?" a brunette said. She was wearing Ravenclaw robes.

Draco didn't answer her.

"I'll take that for a yes."
She sat down next to him.

"Remember me? Our first encounter wasn't brilliant. I bumped into you." She said, smiling.

Harry was staring intensely at Draco's face, trying to read his expressions. His lips remained inert, so Harry assumed Draco didn't reply to her.

"You lost your tongue?"

Draco finally lifted his gaze.
"What do you want?"

"Wow. Um... nothing? You were sitting there alone and I thought you'd like some company."

"I'm used to being alone."

"I can see that. I'll leave if you want."

"It's fine. You can stay. It's just... people don't usually just come up to me like this."

Harry was torn between sprinting out of the library and continuing to eavesdrop on their conversation.

        He took a final glance at them. A feeling of disgust and jealousy took control of him as he left the library.

Is It Ever Too Late To Say Sorry {DRARRY}Where stories live. Discover now