Chapter 3

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Being disabled has been a very overwhelming up and down roller coaster ride for me

One of the most devastating things I have experienced and learned is that being disabled puts you at a very higher risk for being sexually assaulted, being abused, being raped and also a higher risk of becoming a victim of domestic violence and so much more etc.

I have went through so much abuse and it all started when I was just 9 years old and I ended up going through more traumatic experiences at ages 12, 16 and 17 years old.

It was very very painful for me emotionally and mentally

When everything happened to me I went into a very very deep depression where I was having suicidal thoughts 7 days a week constantly nonstop

I went through self harming myself I had moments where I didn't care if I lived anymore cause I was in so much pain from all the things I went through

I felt like my life wasn't worth living anymore

I ended up becoming a silent sufferer after everything I went through

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