Chapter 1

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I went through a very difficult moment when I was 9 years old while I was going to my summer camp

While I was going to my summer camp for a while I became a victim of Child Molestation I was spending time with my friends and we did outdoor activities

After we was finished doing our outdoor activities we started playing board games and my friends ended up getting up and going to get snacks and do break

I ended up leaving the area where I was and I went to get my water bottle because I was thirsty and I wanted my water

While I was leaving the area the camp counselor who was 30 years old kept saying sexual references and I was feeling very very uncomfortable

When I went and got my water bottle the camp counselor was in the same exact room with me

I was so scared when he was in the same room with me

I tried to leave the room immediately

I ended up getting pushed up on the wall he ended up grabbing my vagina and my boobs

I went through the same thing with him again for the second time

And once again I was going through the same thing

The counselor was also physically abusive towards me and emotionally abusive to me as well

It was so painful and hard to go through

I was so traumatized by everything it was the most difficult moment ever

I was so glad to be able to escape that camp and got out

I ended up losing interest in some of the board games I enjoyed playing and doing certain games as well

I was feeling depressed

I had times where I was scared to put certain outfits on

Cause I didn't want to have my look that I had from where I was going to the camp

I no longer wanted to keep this hurt and pain held inside of me

I have carried this weight for years

I was in tears

I felt ready to talk about everything

I want to heal so I can become a stronger me!

I want to become a stronger advocate for all and be able to help others

The Blue And Gold Warrior Who Became Stronger And ResilientWhere stories live. Discover now