21 | extra credit

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why would i assume the risk if i know i'm going to ace the quiz tomorrow?

why would i assume the risk if i know i'm going to ace the quiz tomorrow?

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[ 3.02 — 3.03 ]

It was early in the morning, well before school was meant to start. Willow was at Derek's loft, planning to drive herself and Isaac to school once they went through with their plan to try and get his memories back.

Evidently, the girl who had rescued him was missing, as were his memories of his own time missing. He had no clue where he was or who took him — though Derek was almost certain it was the alpha pack. He just needed the confirmation.

"You know, I'm starting not to like this idea. Sounds kinda dangerous," Isaac muttered, pacing back and forth in front of the huge window. "You know what? I definitely don't like this idea, and I definitely don't like him."

"You'll be fine," Derek told him, growing tired of Isaac's nervous pacing.

Derek was sitting in a chair, flipping through a book. And Willow was behind him, her arms draped over his chest as she rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Does it have to be him?" Isaac asked, coming to a stop at the table next to the chair.

"He knows how to do it. I don't," he stated. "Be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself."

"You know Scott doesn't trust him, right? You know, personally, I'd... well, I'd trust Scott," he muttered.

"Do you trust me?" Derek asked, giving him a pointed look.

Isaac hesitated but eventually answered. "Yeah. I still don't like him."

"Nobody likes him," he stated, rolling his eyes.

"I like him," Willow chimed in.

Then the door to the loft slid open, the metal scraping against the wall. Peter stood on the other side, a smirk on his lips that never seemed to leave.

"Boys. F.Y.I., yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. So I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face," he said, walking into the room.

"We don't like you," Derek said flatly.

"I like you," Willow told him with a smile.

With Willow's input added, Derek forcefully shut his book and dropped it on the table. "Now shut up and help us," he ordered.

"Fair enough," Peter said, smiling as he brought out his claws.

Everyone moved around so that Isaac was sitting in the chair. Willow and Derek relocated to the couch, both a little nervous about what was about to happen. But they didn't voice it, not wanting to worry Isaac even more.

"Relax," Peter instructed Isaac. "I'll get more out of you if you're calm."

"How do you know how to do this, again?" he asked as Peter moved behind him.

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