Family stay in Algiers

Începe de la început

Leïla, Naël and Noah hugged each other, they were just as impatient and excited as Semir and Jasmine to go to Algiers

After checking their luggage, they boarded the plane

During the whole flight to Algiers, Lady and the puppies slept at Jasmine's feet, Jasmine was hugged tenderly in Dally's arms, the twins and Noah played with their toys, Semir and Rose slept huddled tenderly and lovingly against each other and Mickey read a book called "Learn Arabic in 5 Minutes"

When they finally arrived in Algiers, they decided to drop off their luggage at the hotel before going to the Souk

They had reserved four rooms, one for Dally and Jasmine, a second for Semir and Rose, a third for the twins and Noah and a fourth for Mickey

A little later in the evening, after having been at the Souk and having eaten at the park, Jasmine had discreetly gone to isolate herself at the beach

Sitting on the sand and staring at the sea, the young girl recalled the good times spent with her parents

Jasmine also remembered an old legend her mother had told her

~ وفقًا للاعتقاد المتناقل عبر الزمن ، يخفي هذا البحر سرًا ، إذا كتبت أمنية على رق ، وهذا الأخير معبأ ، وتركه ينجرف مع التيار ، فستتحقق أمنيتك (According to a belief transmitted over time, this sea hides a secret, if a wish is written on a parchment and this latter bottled, leaving it drifting with the current, your wish will be fulfilled) ~

"كنت أعلم أنك ستكون هنا ، لقد أحببت المجيء إلى هنا عندما كنت صغيرًا (I knew you would be here, you loved coming here when you were little)" Said Semir, sitting next to his little sister

Jasmine smiled sadly at her brother and Semir tenderly put his arm around his little sister's shoulders

Jasmine rested her head on her brother's shoulder

"هل تتذكر ما قالته أمي عن هذا البحر؟ (Do you remember what Mom said about this sea ?)"

Semir nodded "قالت إنها كانت ساحرة ويمكن أن تحقق أي أمنية ... (She said she was magical and could make any wish come true ...)

- عندما عدنا إلى الجزائر العاصمة للمرة الأولى بعد مغادرتنا دار الأيتام ، أتيت إلى هنا ... (When we came back to Algiers for the first time after leaving the orphanage, I came here ...)"

Semir looked at his little sister

"... تمنيت أمنية لكنها لم تتحقق ... (... I made a wish but it never came true ...)

- لقد فعلت نفس الشيء (I had done the same thing)" Confessed Semir "أمنيتي لم تتحقق أيضا (My wish didn't come true either)"

Semir and Jasmine stared at the sea for several minutes before Semir broke the silence "دعنا نذهب لرؤية أمي وأبي قبل العودة إلى الفندق ، سيقلق روز ودالاس في النهاية (Let's go see mom and dad before getting back to the hotel, Rose and Dallas are going to worry eventually)"

Jasmine nodded and they left towards the cemetery

The next day, Dally and Jasmine went to the zoo with Lady, the puppies, the twins and Noah while Semir trained for his fight which took place that same evening

Rose and Mickey had stayed with him

Leïla was so happy to see real fennec foxes

Throughout the visit to the zoo, Dally tenderly hugged Jasmine and tenderly, proudly and lovingly held her hand, kissing it tenderly and lovingly on several occasions

As they left the zoo and went to the beach where the twins and Noah happily bathed, Dally made a proposal to his wife

"My little angel, how about we buy a house here for when we come on vacation ?

Jasmine had tears in her eyes "It would be so great my love"

Dally smiled before kissing his wife tenderly, hugging her face tenderly in his hands

Jasmine clung to her husband

"I love you Dallas Winston" Whispered Jasmine tenderly against Dally's lips

"I love you too Jasmine Winston, more than anything in the world"

Dally tenderly stroked his wife's cheek with the back of his hand

Jasmine enjoyed the caress

"Are we going sweetheart ? Otherwise we're going to be late for your brother's fight"

Jasmine nodded and, with Lady, the puppies, the twins and Naoh, they left towards the place where the boxing match was going to take place, happy

Obviously Semir won his fight

Semir was so happy and Jasmine was so proud of her older brother  

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