the past - part 1

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No-ones pov:

"But mommy, I wanna be a boy!"
"No sweetheart you are a girl and will always be my beautiful little darling this is just a phase after all. Now, would you help me chop these carrots your father will be here after all."
"Yes mommy."

Present day- start of dr1 chapter 1

Makoto pov:

As I take my first steps into hope's peak academy I feel a strange and unexpected sense of...happiness? No nausea? Definitely not, then what am I feeling? I expected to feel safe the second I walked in through the gate although now all I can feel is a feeling of uneasiness and an overwhelming pain in my head as I slowly begin to think about the fact that I, Makoto Neagi, an ordinary person with no outstanding talent at all should be here when there could be people with amazing skillsets waiting to be scouted and yet here I am standing here, here is a place where the ultimates can learn to thrive and expand their talents thurthermore and yet I'm still here.Why should I be here. Guilt. That is what I am feeling.

"And that's the last thing I thought before I blacked out and awoke here."
???: "Tch, pathetic.
Makoto: "g-gah I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you."
???: "I don't need your pity."
???: "Sorry about him, that's byakuya Togami the ultimate affluent progeny and he can be a bit grumpy alot of the time..."
Makoto: "thank you for telling me that sayaka, I really doubted that I could gather up to courage to speak to him after what just transpired..."
Sayaka: "don't beat yourself up over it, I would just stay clear of his way for now though maybe he will forget that ever happened."
Makoto:"thank you sayaka..."
Sayaka: " you just said that silly"
Makoto: "i-i did?"

Chapter 1 - part 1 end

I'm sorry that was so short, I really have no ideas on what to do...

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