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          𝕿he sun rose over the mountains, awakening the beautiful Encanto

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          𝕿he sun rose over the mountains, awakening the beautiful Encanto. Golden hues illuminated the town and windows began to open, welcoming the Colombian heat.

Near the center of the town, the Espinosa family began their day. Oracio began cleaning the house while his daughter, Rosalba went to begin breakfast. Diego, Rosalba's wife, awoke and went to wake his daughter up.

Cara Maria was sound asleep in her room, a lovely dream of her riding in the clouds with unicorns filled the four-year-old head. A knock came at her door before it slowly creaked open.

Diego silently walked into her room before sitting on his daughter's bed. He gently ran a hand through her short curls while his other hand shook her shoulder.

"Mi Hija. Wake up, Mama's making breakfast." Cara Maria slowly woke up, sitting up on her bed while staring at her father.

"Papá... Estoy cansada..." Cara Maria mumbled while rubbing the tired out of her eyes.

"Do you want to go play down by the fountain until breakfast is ready?" Cara Maria instantly perked up, as if she were wide awake the whole time.

"Of course!" Cara Maria flung her little legs out of the covers, nearly running out of the house until she was called back by Diego.

"Cara! Aren't you forgetting something?" The young girl looked at her father confused.

Diego walked over to her and lifted her into his arms with vigor, making the tan girl laugh.

"Let's fix your hair and get you out of your pajamas first." Cara Maria then realized that she did look like a mess at the moment.

Cara Maria was then placed in a pink sundress, her hair tamely brushed out, leaving her curls to rest on her shoulders. After her shoes were placed on, she gave her father a big kiss on the cheek and ran downstairs.

𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐘 ─── encanto.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora