Chris Kendall tastes like strawberries and PJ relishes in the taste. He’s allergic to strawberries so being able to taste them without getting an allergic reaction is nice. He tells Chris this and instead of being warded off, Chris becomes intrigued. They spend the whole day playing video games at Chris’ flat, trash talking the TV and being quizzed on random names (on PJ’s part). Chris introduces him to Dan Howell, who tastes of dark chocolate, and Phil Lester, who tastes of melted marshmallows (PJ notices how well the two names taste when used together. He instantly realizes how close they are). All four of them become great friends and he introduces them to his other group of friends. PJ feels at home with his new family and he starts to enjoy his ability.

     His next girlfriend’s name is Charlene Posley. She tastes like carrots and PJ can’t tell if he likes it or not. She’s a nice girl and PJ enjoys her. His friends don’t seem to like her much but he’s completely enamored. Charlene is snarky and comes with a bit of a bite. PJ can tell Chris holds back his retorts around her, his mouth tight and lines appearing around his eyes. He shrugs it off and continues his relationship anyways. It all ends when he meets Charlene’s friend, Paul Yest. The man’s name tastes of peas and PJ pieces the puzzle together.

"You’re cheating on me."

     Charlene is surprised but doesn’t deny it. PJ lets her go with a splintered heart. He’s not one to get in between a perfect match. It’s funny, PJ thinks, he can taste so many different combinations that make a perfect match be it friends, lovers, or siblings, but he can’t seem to find a single person that fits him perfectly. He has his friends and they fit but not the way a lover would, their name mingling with his in a symphony of warmth and perfection. James has that with his girlfriend Georgie (she tastes of grape jam) and Louis has that with his girlfriend (she tastes of sugar biscuits).

     PJ goes to his sister’s wedding the next year and he watches as the couple dances merrily underneath the twinkling lights of the chandelier. Her husband is perfect for her and PJ knows that they’re a match made in heaven (angel food cake and raspberries). His family asks him if he has anyone special in his life and PJ shakes his head glumly. They pat his back and promise him that he’ll find someone special. When PJ returns home, he curls up on his bed and falls asleep. He’s never felt more uninspired and alone.

The first time he hears your name, it’s a jolt to his system. Louis is inviting him to lunch with him, his girlfriend and you.

"Her name is y/f/n. It’s not a double date but, Peej-"

     PJ doesn’t hear anything else Louis has to say. He flips your name over and over in his mind, the taste of warm french toast dancing on his tongue in sweetness. The cinnamon is tangy and woodsy and he agrees to Lou’s invitation. Louis’ face brightens and the two head off to a restaurant by the sea.

     PJ can’t help but watch you while on your not-date. You have a soft smile and a funny (cute) laugh. His lips quirk at all your corny jokes and he finds himself really enjoying your presence. Halfway through lunch, a man comes up to the table. Louis jumps up and greets him, grinning widely. He introduces the entire table to the man and when he says PJ’s name and yours, PJ gasps. Wild blueberries and french toast soak his mouth in wondrous flavors and he’s taken aback. When the man leaves, the lunch continues and PJ wishes that this not-date was a real date.

     A week goes by before PJ finally cracks and asks Louis for your number. He texts you nervously and you reply back instantly with a yes to the proposed date. PJ dances around his room in excitement and stops when he realizes he’s only in his space boxers and a black t-shirt. That doesn’t stop him from giggling into his pillow like a teenage girl, falling asleep with a smile on his face.

The first time PJ kisses you, he realizes that there’s no better taste in the world than the one of your lips.


“How about Penny?”

"Penny Liguori tastes like plums. No to Penny."

You huff in exasperation and PJ notices your eye twitch once, “Fine then. Oliver.”

"Salmon. No."

"Dianna, Emma, Natalie!"

"Lettuce, peanut butter, curry. No to all three."

You let out a high whine, “At least consider Arthur or Lennon!”

"Arthur Liguori tastes like ham and Lennon Liguori is a pain to say. Also, my child is not going to taste like mustard."

"Fucking christ, PJ! It’s just a Sims baby! Who cares what their name tastes like?"

"Well, I care. What if we have a kid one day? I want to be sure that their name matches how wonderful a person they’re going to be."

You look at PJ with such love that it floors him. You kiss him for a few minutes and he pulls back with a smirk.

"Sappy equals kissing?"

     He laughs and protects himself as you pelt him with pillows, falling to the floor. PJ pulls you from the chair and you tumble with him on the floor. He curls up around you and you snuggle closer into him.

"I love you, Peej. Thank you for being the sappy bastard you are."

PJ licks a line up your neck and you shudder in disgust and arousal.

"I love you too, Frenchie," he states and you glare at him.

"I’m going to go play my game now," you snark back, standing up.

"Fine but don’t name him Jared. I hate the taste of beets."

All credits go to pokemasterpeej on tumblr 

See you next imagine my tiny planet explorers x

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