what just happened?

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You were still in shock of what you just heard and looked up at camilo's door then back at mirabel "please tell me you heard that too" she nodded obviously about to burst out if excitement you covered your face and groaned "want if he just thinks I'm crazy" she laughed "well then you'd be his perfect match" you looked up at her and sarcastically said "haha very funny" "Casita! Get camilo out here!" You looked at mirabel then at camilo's door to see all the tiles around it were making noise to get his attention "Casita no!!" It was too late, camilo stepped out "Casita what are you doi- woah!" Casita had made a slide causing camilo to be a few feet away from you.

Mirabel waisted no time "camilo do you like y/n?!" His face turned red and he was clearly embarrassed "what are you talking about?!" You covered Mirabel's mouth to stop her from making things worse "nothing! She's just joking! Right mirabel." You glared at her and she rolled her eyes nodding. Camilo awkwardly stood there staring at you, you let go of Mirabel and she snuck off leaving you two alone "so umm.." you looked back at Camilo to show you were listening "I uh like your dress." You smiled awkwardly "thanks, if it wasn't already obvious...you were the inspiration." He chuckled and nodded "yeah uh thanks I guess" he rubbed the back of his neck. You looked up and your eyes met, both of you were blushing like crazy, trying to leave the conversation before you did something stupid you softly spoke"I should uh go find mirabel" he nodded "yeah I'll cya later." He walked back to his room and you stood there with your face red as a tomato and your heart beating out if your chest.

"Mirabel!" You yelled as you looked for her, eventually you found her in the kitchen eating some strawberries. She looked up at you "so how'd it go? Are you finally gonna tell me?" You just stared at her for a minute "alright alright I admit it" you sighed and continued "I like him." you rolled your eyes and she stood up with her hands on the table "I knew it! I knew you liked him!!" You immediately covered her mouth again. "Quiet!" She laughed and nodded as you slowly moved your hand away and sat down by her while you talked till you had to go home.

Camilo Madrigal X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now