Chapter 6: Maeve

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The story of Maeve's parents is a beautiful one, and ridiculously hard to live up to.

The general idea goes: After returning from fighting in border skirmishes at their territories on the mainland, the only son of the Lord of The Night Court returned to Velaris upon hearing word of his parents' untimely deaths.

Being immediately thrust into power, court pressure was on him to find a wife. Someone to clean up his image, fulfill the necessary duties, and help him lead.

He refused.

He sat through the many balls thrown in his honor without asking a single woman to dance. Rumors immediately swirled. Some thought he had a bastard son, others thought a secret lover. Regardless, Rhys refused to budge. I want an equal, he claimed.

His advisors seemed to lose all hope for a timely marriage. It's been over a century since the 500 year war, they reasoned, and the Sacred Pact has still been held, he might not need heirs for a while now.

Rhys seemed content to be alone, he went out with his inner circle at nights, partying to the early dawn without a care for marital responsibilities.

That was until he heard of a famed artist. Born into nobility, but having seemingly given up the luxuries of her birthright. The woman was famed for not only her work, but her ability to heal others. She welcomed people from all conditions, all walks of life into her studio, and all left feeling changed, claiming to have found peace.

Rhys joined one of her classes.

He and Feyre were married within the year.

When thinking about her parents' love, Maeve never thought for herself. She had her family, her siblings, uncles, and aunts. She didn't think she needed anything else.

However, watching Rhys and Feyre find solace in one another with only a look from across the map room, Maeve can't help but feel slightly lonely.

That feeling disappears, however, when a loud bang sounds from the door.

"You losers better not be in the map room on a day like this!" A voice bellows from the entranceway. Maeve darts out of the room in a flash. At the top of the stairs she catches sight of Cassian and Nesta coming further into the room, and gives out an excited yell.

"I've missed you both so much!" Maeve says as she barrels into their arms.

"We've missed you too," Nesta responds softly.

Maeve pulls back and regards them for a moment. She can't help but betray some of the shock on her face.

"You two got married, didn't you?" She asks.

Cassian's face breaks into an even brighter smile, "We wanted to tell you in person, I didn't think you'd believe I finally got her to marry me otherwise."

Nesta laughs and lightly shoves his arm, "Yeah, yeah," she says, "If only you'd been here Maeve, you might have talked me out of it."

Maeve laughs, "I wouldn't dare! I knew you too were mates, I always knew it!" she says excitedly.

"Did you?" Cassian asks good-humouredly.

"Ok, I actually had no idea." Maeve admits in a rush, "After Nesta stabbed you with that butter knife, I really believed she would eventually kill you, but this is much better!"

Everyone laughs and Cassian can't seem to help a loving gaze to Nesta.

"Yeah, I should have seen that butter knife for what it was, a proclamation of love."

Nesta rolls her eyes, but before she responds, the door behind her opens and another three figures enter the room.

"Amren, it's good to see you!" Maeve says nodding politely to her fathers second, and receiving another nod in return before turning.

"Mor!" Maeve yelps, nearly jumping into her arms.

"I've missed you, love." Mor smiles at her.

"I've missed you so much!" Maeve responds, "And Az, I've missed you too." She says turning to give him a hug.

"Maeve, you're so big now." He laughs into her hair.

Maeve takes a step back and considers him. He looks the same as she remembers, with shadows seeming to swirl around him. A fellow shadow-singer, though her family doesn't know he isn't the only one. 

"Well, I hate to break up the happy reunion." Rhys says, cutting in before Maeve can respond to Az, "But there's actually something I need to talk to everyone about."

"I knew you were getting straight to work." Cassian smiles, "The girl just got home, I say we party!"

A few cheers come out of the others

"There will be a party, trust me, but first we need to talk."

The other's begin exchanging curious looks as everyone moves to the drawing room and sits across various couches. Official state business is usually reserved for the palace atop Velaris, surrounded with advisors and often other members of court. The manor has always been used for tight-knit family affairs.

"I needed to speak to each of you, without the prying eyes and ears." Rhys begins seriously, "Things are about to change, and Feyre and I have decided to meet that change head-on."

Maeve looks at the others, but no one seems to have any better idea of where this is going than she does.

"The Day Court has been our enemy since Solarian gifted them with the power of her light and Monanan gifted us with the power of his Moon," Rhs begins, "But, we all know that a war is coming. It doesn't matter if our older advisors don't believe it, Az has brought us back crucial information, and I fear the continent is only growing stronger." Rhys pauses for a second. "We've been exchanging letters with the High Lord of the Day Court, and it appears he's come to a similar conclusion as us."

Realization, and fear, dawn on Maeve before Rhys has even finished his announcement.

"The only way we will survive is if we work together-"

Maeve believes that she has never heard a worse proclamation. That is, until Rhys gets to the end of his sentence.

"-their Summer Solstice ball is on Sunday, and we're all going." 

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