The walk to the castle was awkward and quiet. We were moving at a quick pace, but my trunk kept slipping out of my hand with each rock in the ground. I pulled it over a stone buried in the grass, and it flew out of my grip and onto the ground. I cursed loudly, and pulled out my wand.
"Wingardium Leviosa." It lifted off the ground and floated by my side. I continued walking.
"How hard was pulling it?" Harry asked.
"Very hard, you have no idea."
We were approaching the school now, and it was almost pitch black out.
"I bet we've missed supper.." I mumbled.
"Bet you're right," Harry said "I'm not really hungry anyway though."
"Yeah, I had food on the train," I said.
We walked through the courtyard and through the corridors. We were just about to go into the Great Hall, but I wasn't in the mood. I could see that Harry wasn't either.
"I'm only guessing you don't want to walk in there next to me," I said.
"No, I just think I'll wait by my common room for someone to let me in," he said, and began walking off.
"Wait," I called after him. I couldn't walk into the Great Hall and sit by my brother after what had happened. "I can't go in there."
"Why?" Harry asked, and stopped.
"Because.. Because of what just happened.."
I knew Harry didn't understand. My parents were counting on Draco and me to excel above the other Hogwarts students, and bring pride and glory to the Malfoy name. But helping Harry back at the train was bad, and Draco would surely tell them what I did. They would never forgive me. I would be punished.
"So, you're afraid to go back in there?"
"No, you don't know how much trouble I'll get into for what I did to help you. My mother will be furious with me." My father, still locked up in Azkaban would have his opinion on my actions, but thankfully he wouldn't know.
"So you're supposed to do everything you can to make all of your idols happy?" Harry said. Rage laced through my body, but here was a bad place to talk.
"Can we please have this conversation somewhere else?" I asked, giving him a look of pure hatred. "I'm not continuing here."
I led him up a few flights of back-route stairs, through a few corridors, and we finally reached the Astronomy Tower.
"I'm not sure you understand what it's like to live with the family that I do."
"Well I've had to live with my aunt and uncle for the past 16, and they're not exactly the-"
"No, I'm not talking about how hard they are to deal with," I walked over to the platform and wrapped my fingers around the metal rail. "I don't think you realize that where I live, it's not even safe to voice your own opinion. Do you know what would happen if I suggested that I was friends with anyone less than a pureblood?"
"I would be locked in the dungeons for a week," I said. "Do you know what would happen if I mentioned that I was friends with a blood traitor?"
"No, but-"
"Cruciatis Curse," I told him. "Twelve times."
He was silent.
"You don't understand what it's like to live with Bellatrix in your house, and the Dark Lord making his special guest appearences." I gritted my teeth. "If I so much as told them I wanted out on being a death eater, or tried to leave, they'd hunt me down and kill me!"
Harry's face was blank and his mouth didn't open to say a word.
"And how do you think you would be punished for talking to him?" I spun around and gasped, facing my brother.
"I don't know, how would you punish me?"
"I'd whip you until you learned how to behave," Draco said, with a deathly glare on me.
"Get lost, Draco," I said.
"You're coming with me."
"Dria." His teeth were clenched. "If you come with me now, I won't tell anyone what you did."
"What I did, what about what you did?!" I shrieked. "You nearly broke Harry's ribs!"
"You're standing up for him?" Draco spit at my feet in disgust, and I drew my wand. He began laughing. "What are you going to do, curse me?"
He knew I wouldn't curse him, but I wanted to. I wanted to so bad.
He had his wand out within a second and I didn't have time to react before he shouted, "Crucio!" I dropped to my knees the second the white hot burning filled my body, and held in the screams that threatened to slip from my throat. It felt as if my body was being cut open and struck with a match. Then, it stopped, and my lungs begged for air.
I looked up, and in front of me Harry and Draco were dueling. It was amazing, all the spells flying towards each other without a moment of hesitation. I was getting lost in the colors that flashed in the air, until I noticed that one of Draco's spells hit harry square in the chest.
Then a bright jolt of color flew towards me and my mind went black.

Life of a Malfoy
FanfictionAlexandria Malfoy is almost sure she knows exactly who she is when she steps onto the Hogwarts express with her twin brother, Draco. But when she steps off with Harry Potter, her world turns upside down. She tries to break the Slytherin Princess st...