"I'm Lucas, this is Bowie. He's my friends dog but he's away on vacation right now."

"Nice to meet you, Lucas. I'm Rebel." I introduced myself while shaking his hand as he smiled. He didn't look older then 20, or maybe it was because of the boy-ish grin he wore.

Lucas had curly brown hair, hazel eyes and a sharp jawline. He wasn't scrawny but he wasn't bulky either. He wore a grey hoodie with a black jacket over it. Crampton is pretty chilly, but it's not that cold either. But, not going to lie, he did look pretty cute. Definitely younger then me but still cute. Doesn't mean I'll go for him, the young man still had a baby face despite the sharp jawline.

"You're very pretty- and your dog is scary as fuck." He stated with a chuckle as I smirked.

"This is Saint. He's a sweetheart. Say hi, baby."

Saint nudged the man's hand with his nose as I rolled my eyes. He usually licks the new persons hand but I guess he's not that into Lucas after all.

"I don't think he likes me very much."

"He's kind of protective of me." I said as Lucas nodded his head in understanding before Bowie placed his head on my lap. Saint didn't like that and started aggressively growling at the poor golden retriever. Bowie didn't seem the care, since he just snuggled himself closer to me. Saint was now furious, his sharp teeth were on full display, ready to attack.

"Saint. Heel. Now."

Reluctantly, my boy took a seat next to me. Growls escaping his mouth every few seconds as I rubbed his back in a comforting manner.

"Bowie. Hey, let's leave Rebel alone, m'kay buddy?" When Bowie made no sign to move, Lucas huffed in annoyance.

"Do you actually want to die? I'm not explaining that shit to Damien."

"It's okay, don't worry. Saint's just being a big baby today. Don't look at me like that, you know it's true, love." I said as Saint whined at my comment. Did I tell you how smart he is?

"Behave." I whispered to Saint who simply growled before going to plane with the Doberman, Princess, that was in the park. She was one of his dog friends that he actually enjoyed spending time with. And that wasn't jealous of when they came to see me.

Every time Saint made a friend, he would come see if I approved of that friend. He's such a momma's boy.

"Bowie's kind of a little shit and knows how to push someone's buttons." Lucas stated while glaring at the golden retriever.

"Well, Bowie, you should know that Saint is the only man in my life. And I love him very much." I told the poor dog who whined.

Lucas and I began laughing, something I didn't expect to do after I was handed my assignment.

Usually, I'd sit at my desk and not leave until the early hours of the next morning just so I know that I'm prepared for it. But it seems like I have nothing to worry about it with this one. Except maybe dying if I fuck it up. Though I can assure you that no one will be killing no one, since I don't intend to mess up.

Plus, it's not everyday I get to hang around a cute boy- man?- since I work with ex-militants or bald men. But I'm not complaining about my job because I like it. It's, in a fucked up way, freeing. Makes me feel things.

"No boyfriend, huh?"

"Definitely not, my job doesn't allow me to have one." I tried to stay as vague as possible but maybe that last comment wasn't necessary.

"Mhm? Why not?"

"I won't risk the life of my love one because of how dangerous my job is."

"You're one of those, touch my partner and I'll kill you, type?"

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