Chapter 25

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"I just don't understand what we're waiting for," I said, pacing around Carlisle's office. We found out Bella was working with Victoria and where they are hiding. Yet he still isn't making a move. "We have everything we need. Let's go!"

"No Kennedy," he told me in a stern tone. "We are not risking our lives by going in without knowing who else is working with her. People all over Augusta have gone missing within the past few days. We think she's building an army."

"Then why are we waiting?" Emmett asked. "Why let the problem get bigger when we could just end it now?"

"Thank you Em," I said, patting him on the shoulder. "Why let the tooth ache when you can just rip it out?"

"Because we're already outnumbered by her," Carlisle said. "We're looking for allies right now. I have friends all over the world. I don't want to ask them to fight, but I'll do anything to save my son."

"If anything happens to him," I started, stalking towards the door. "It's on you." With that, I walked out and slammed the door behind me.

{time skip ~ 5 days}

     "I'm not going away," Sam said, sitting down and crossing his arms. He's been trying to cheer me up throughout the past few days. "Cry about it bitch."

     "Fine," I sighed after a minute of silence, sitting down next to him. "Go get drinks and snacks or I'm not apologizing for being a bitch."

     He didn't trust me to be alone so he texted the boys. They all showed up at the door 30 minutes later, a plethora of snacks in their arms. Most of them were my favorites.

"Thanks guys," I said. "I'm sorry for being so pushy lately."

"It's okay," Josh said, rubbing my shoulder. "But you have to remember. We don't agree with Carlisle waiting either. We want to go save Jasper just as much as you."

"Yeah," I sighed. "How about, to make up for my bitchiness, I make everybody dinner. Do you think they'd like that?"

"They'd love it," Jake smiled at me.

"We all would," Danny added.

{time skip ~ 2 hours}

     "I'm gonna throttle Josh I swear to god," Jake groaned. Josh has been waving his hands in his face and saying 'I'm not touching you!' for the past 15 minutes. "When he comes back from the bathroom, if he starts any sentence with 'I'm not' I'm going to kill him."

     I laughed and shook my head at them. I will forever cherish the moments in my kids' lives, specifically the twins, where they actually like each other.

"Next time he bothers you," I started. "Come get me. I'll handle him."

"Thank you," he said. I just winked at him and smiled. "Beat the hell out of him and let me record. Use your mom strength and fucking destroy him."

We were laughing so hard we didn't notice the others walk in. They were watching us from the door with smiles on their faces. We all joined together to make fun of Josh behind his back. Even Alice joined in.

"What are we laughing at?" Everyone fell silent as Josh walked into the room. "What?" He asked with a chuckle.

     "Umm," I started. "Jake would love to tell you. I'm gonna go check on dinner."

     "What?" Jake asked surprised. "No I wouldn't. Ken. Kennedy Arielle!"

     I ran from the room before he could yell at me any more. I laughed as I heard him stuttering, racking his brain for some kind of explanation to give Josh.

Just as I was about to open the oven to check the rolls, a searing pain flashed through my body. I felt my limbs being torn from my body and put back together. I could feel my face cracking as if it were stone then putting itself back together.

And then it was over.

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