(Demisexual) Shoji 7 min in heaven (fluff)

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And the bottle lands on Shoji
"Uuh What '' Shoji says shocked as he is thrown into the closet by Kiri. Kiri shuts the door on a fearful looking shoji.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I have to apologize to anyone who comes in here. They weren't hoping for me, I'm definitely coming in between them and their crush. Whoever's coming in next I ruined the game for. They're probably thinking of excuses to turn me down right now.

"Ok who's going to be with Shoji" Kiri spins the bottle and it lands on... "Neiko" He whispers in an excited hush. The other class 1-A members giggles and gush at the thought of them together. Neiko blushes a tad standing up and Kiri quickly opens the door to the dark closet and shoves her in.

Just then a flash of light appeared and a feminie shadow appeared with a hand I assume to be kiri's shoving her in.

"Ooh sorry!" Shoji said scooting away. The girl had nearly fallen on top of him. It was so sudden and dark he didn't see who they shoved in with him. She laughed awkwardly. "Neiko, is that you?" He asked.

"Yea I- Uhh" She said, pulling off of him a little and sitting by his side.

He gave a relieved sigh before responding "Hey uh we don't have to do anything.. you can just say you did, if you even want to, do even that, that is"

"Is that what you want?" Neiko asked.

Shoji blushed why she is always so direct.

"Well don't you have a boyfriend"

"Yeah I mean but were it's an open relationship he's playing too y'know"

"Oh right.."

Neiko turned to look shoji in the eyes.

Shoji looks down and away. "You don't have to do this just to be nice"

"I would never just be nice," Neiko said flatly.

Shoji chuckled awkwardly. "I thing is I know you said you like everyone in Class 1-A except one ..and I-I know you didn't mean to be rude but I'm sure it's the creepily inhuman looking quiet guy"

"Um wow, I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for you or be offended. Do you really think it was you who I didn't like when Mineta exists?" She nudged him.


They paused for a moment.

"Sorry I'm kind of confused. I never thought I'd get this far."

Neiko leaned into Shoji and held his hand. Shoji turned toward her and began stroking her wrist with his other hand.

"Are you curious about anything?" She asked.

Yes of course I am, what kind of question Is that?! *djfnskjdfksdjf*  "um yeah but I don't want to seem weird."

"There's no harm in asking, we're friends right?"

"Can I hold you?"

Neiko nodded and climbed so that she was sitting on the ground in between his legs. Shoji patted her shoulder and then leaned in, hugging her with all six arms. Nieiko smiled, nuzzling her face against his. Shoji felt his cheeks grow warm and his heart began to pick up speed.

"I mean I don't want to do anything crazy, but I am glad I'm here with you" Neiko said looking at him with a smile in her voice.

"..Can I touch your ...tummy?" Shoji asked.

Shoji looked down to see her top was the slightest bit revealing at this angle. "Um" Shoji blushed, "I kinda feel guilty even looking at you"

"you're such a damn sweetheart" Neiko patted him on the head. Shoji squished her stomach in his hands. To hold another living person like this? So closely and deliberately felt so nice. Shoji felt his chest swell as he took a deep breath. Neiko had been running her fingers against his scalp "this feels nice" he said. "But our time is almost up and there's one things I'm curious about"

"me too"

"Really!? What's you're thing"

"Ok ok I won't make you do this of course but you arms, you can turn them into eyes and ears and mouths right?


Could you also turn them all into dicks?

"Uh!" Shoji made a disappointed sigh.

"Oh my god you totally can!"

"You're just as bad as the guys" He shook his head.

"Shoji the one man gang bang"

"I hate you, you know that" he shoved her. Smiling at the absurdity.

"Uw I'm loving the confidence I'm seeing in the retaliation"

"Well if you want confidence...here's my thing.."

"Lie on the floor," He said.

Oh shit okay the nymph lays down on her back.

Shoji leaned over and put two hands on each side of her head. Damn. He leaned over on top of her still keeping a kind distance. "I uh, I just wanted to admire the view, is that weird?"

Neiko laughs moving forward resting her elbows on the ground "no not at all"

She slowly pulls down Shoji's mask to reveal his odd snout-like nose and gives him and gentle boop.

"TIMES UP!" Bakugou yells, shoving his face through the door. Shoji jumped away from Neiko and covered his nose with the mask. "GET OUT OF THERE YOU HAND HOLDING DEGENERATES!!"

MHA one shots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora