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Chiara's POV

"Get up Carlo! It's Christmas!" I said, trying, my best to shake him awake. He groaned and smacked me back down on the bed.

"Go back to sleep, it's too early." He groaned.

"Carlo it's 10am on Christmas morning." I said, and then he suddenly shot up out of bed.

"Chiara! Why didn't you tell me." He said, quickly jumping out of bed and pulling me with him.

"Let me go, I can walk on my own you numnut." I mumbled, and we started walking down the stairs. Christmas Day was easily one of my favourite days of the year, and I don't really know why, its just the best thing ever. When we finally made it into the living room, everyone was spread across the four couches, and Carlo and I were the last ones to wake up.

"Rise and shine ladies." Bruno yelled at us from where he was sitting. I immediately ran and jumped over everyone is was sitting on one of the couches. My guess is that it was Giacomo, Agostino and Rocco based from the groans they all let out.

"Merry Christmas guys." I exclaimed, lifting my head and and finding Rocco looking at me with a very unimpressed look on his face. A sudden mischievous smirk took over his face, and I tried to figure out why. Then I was rolled off their lap and landed on the floor with a thud, that's why.

"Merry Christmas to you too, princess." He says cockily, I gave him the best death stare I could muster. 

"Rocco, be nice to your sister please. Merry Christmas tesoro." Dad says, his voice softening at the end. Suddenly my body was swept up, and somehow I knew it was Carlo. He carried me over to where Enzo and Bruno were sitting, with me sitting across all of their laps, comfortably, of course.

We all sat like that for a while, talking about random topics. We talked about Disney, Australia, Rocco's recent hookups, Enzo complaining about some hockey thing. That was only the beginning of it, there were some random things shared between the eight of us.

"Lets get started on the presents shall we?" Dad asked, and Carlo and I almost flew off the couch.

"I'll take that as a yes, everyone sit in a circle." Agostino chuckled, hopping up the couch to get seated on the floor. Once we were all comfortably seated, they all started arguing on how they were going to hand out the presents this year.

"We'll do it like this, one person gives everyone the present they got for them and everyone unwraps it one by one. Okay, it's not up for discussion." Dad stated.

"Yeah fine, but what order do we go in, like oldest to youngest, or youngest to oldest or just randomly?" Enzo shot back.

"It's Chiara's first Christmas with us, I vote she starts!" Bruno exclaimed excitedly. Everyone in the room agreed, apart from me, but that wasn't going to make them change their minds.

"Looks like it's settled, Chiara, go and grab your presents for everyone." Dad stated. I sighed, sitting up and heading over to the tree. I took my time finding their presents, which earned a few complaints from the boys. I finally found them all, and placed the present in front of the person it was for.

"Okay, can you six open them all at the same time, they're kinda the same thing but different at the same time." I said, I'd got them all an ugly Disney sweater as well and a chain, it'll make more sense in a second. They quickly started ripping open their present, and there was a mixture of confused but happy expressions on them all.

"Okay so first off, I got you all a sweater with a Disney character that reminds me of you in some way." I explained.

"I got the queen of hearts, I think that's what it is." Agostino said, scrunching his eyebrows and studying his sweater.

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