Chapter 3: THE LOST

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I woke up in a deathly fright, but I could not recall as to what scared me so intensely, yet I was afraid of something...but meh whatever I am sure whatever it was will come back to me eventually I rolled over and saw that I... had no roof? The floor below me also has been replaced by what seems like an ocean. In fact, my house was stricken from existence as well it seems and all that remained was me and my bed in this wide and vast ocean of endless eternity. Then without warning a massive tentacle protruded from the ocean quickly followed by a spire of some sorts which was then followed by infrastructure which was.... incomprehensible to determine the logic behind its construction because it contained impossible angles that I thought not to be naturally possible to make a structure that was resembling of a city as more of was revealed as it rose out of the water with more tentacles the width of a semi-truck boomed from beneath the seas surface wrapping themselves around the structure. Then I heard the ear deafening creak of large doors opening and before I could see more, I was woken up by Magnus licking my face. What had I just seen? My mind hurt trying to understand what I saw, was it more of a metaphorical dream or a literal one? Because I do not see myself watching a city being wrapped in large tentacles in my future anytime soon. I.....what happened last night? I could see myself going up the stairs but then I saw something, and I stopped short but.... past that everything is blank, I remember the last thing I was doing was reading the Necro so should I try it again? Or will I dig my grave deeper unknowingly, and cause something to happen that should not, because I do not need to be some story book hero to tell what happened in my dream should not happen because it felt.... wrong. And my best guess is that what happened in my dream had to be directly affected by what happened the night before because of the book and because of whatever I saw, something was very wrong... and I was going to find out what it was. I jumped out of my bed and brushed Magnus off me and headed down the stairs to my living room and saw the book still sitting on the dinner table where I left it. But something was sitting next to it now... I walked closer to get a better look at it and it was a mask... it covered only the face but it had a hood on it so it would cover the rest of the wearers' head, it resembled a humanoid face on its upper half and its lower half was replaced with tentacles sprouting from where the human's mouth would be just under the... well there should be a nose but there is not one, more like a nasal arch... strange. I touched it and it felt like it was made of scales that were colored a sea green what formed over one another making the lines between each of the scales almost unseeable, wait... why am I admiring this thing? What is this thing, how did it get here? I threw it down onto the table and looked around for where someone could have broken in and placed this mask here. Before I could do anything, someone called my name, I looked back and saw no one, then I heard my name again and looked at the mask, the whispers grew louder as I approached it once more as I inspected it to comprehend what was going on. Was an inanimate object... talking to me? Before I could gather my thoughts, I was overcome by this strange idea of putting the mask on. What? Why would I... it does look cool, and it might help me... understand more about what is going... on with me. No... wait what is going on with me? It's like I can't resist whatever...before I knew it my hands were on the mask making it face me, it's just for a second, right? It's not like... anything bad will happen, it's just a silly mask. I'm going crazy, aren't I? I turn it around ready to be put on and just before I can I am tackled by an unknown force that sprawls me out all over the floor making the mask fly out my hand, I look up to face my attacker only to see a woman looking at me.

"That was a close one."  

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