Untitled Part 2

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It had been a brief couple of weeks since Jordan got the life changing news. She was pregnant. Pregnant at 14. By one of Adam's informants. She made Erin, Adam, Trudy and Will swear they wouldn't tell her father. This was something she had to do on her own. She just didn't have a clue on how to tell him because she knew regardless he was going to go through the roof.

She feared that her father would turn his back on her and she'd have to go through this alone. She had no idea how to tell him. God at times like this she wished her mom was here to help her. The teen had also been trying to avoid the few people she had told. They've been worried because she went radio silence and the last time she had it wasn't pretty.

One afternoon Jordan was home, she got bored and decided to straighten up the house and make her father dinner. The living room was cleaned and straightened up. She went to the kitchen and started making dinner. She had pulled out some chicken, mashed potatoes and vegetables. After seasoning the chicken she put it in the oven and started a pot of water for the potatoes and got the vegetables going.

As she cooked there had been a knock on the front door, she sighed and went to answer it. She had probably figured it was one of the others checking on her. She went to answer it and it had been Will, he carried a small brown bag in his hand. Opening the door she saw the redheaded Halstead.

"I'm fine Will, what are you doing here" Jordan spoke.

"You went radio silence on us again. You can't do that in your condition" Will replies.

"I need time to think. I don't know what I'm going to do yet"

"Your father will be a lot of help"

That made her bite her lip and stand awkwardly. Will had taken that as a huge hint.

"You haven't told him?"

"No. I don't know how to tell him, I can't go. Hey dad, how was your day? Oh by the way I'm pregnant at 14 by one of Adam's informants he will go insane"

"I'll help you tell him. Me and you together, we'll go over all your options"

Tears had prickled in her eyes. "I never meant for this to happen Will"

He pulled her in for a hug. "I know sweetheart. It's alright. You'll have all the help you need from us. You won't be alone in this"

"What if I tell my dad he'll turn his back on me?"

"Jordan, you know that'll never happen. Your father loves you no matter what. He'll know you didn't mean for this to happen. He will never turn his back on you, you have my word"

"I want my mom Will. I want her more than anything right now" She had let out a sob.

"Oh Jo, sweetheart. Everything will be alright" He held her tighter and placed his chin on her head.

Will knew from working in a hospital seeing adult expected mothers scared, nervous, that had been one thing. It was another for it to be a young teen. A scared child in an adult situation. Not knowing what to do. What the right choice is. Feeling as if whatever choice she makes could feel like the wrong one.

Jordan was one to hardly ever show her vulnerable side, her weaker side, that hadn't been her. She knew when she got like that people would do anything, say anything to get her to do what they wanted. She'd been showing it more now due to the hormones that were building and bubbling inside her.

"I don't know what the right or wrong decision is"

"It's very hard and complicated, the choice you make has to be the one that is the best for your child. If you feel you can't take of the baby, you have adoption and abortion. Adoption can be a beautiful thing. You'd be giving a childless couple a baby of their own, yes biologically it would be yours and Kyle's but once you two sign those papers that baby will no longer legally be yours. You won't have any kind of say. Abortion. That'll be your choice should you wanna do it. But you can always keep the baby Jo. You can do it"

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