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Jimin and Taehyung were very curious about the answer they would receive.

J : Obviously, we'll hire you both!

Vmin : *surprised* really!?

J : *smile* yes, you are hardworking, punctual, respectful, everyone will love you both *Vmin smile*

Jm : thanks hyung *smile*

Nj : So tomorrow is Saturday and we won't go to college so you can start tomorrow, you can come at 10 o'clock

Tae : Ok thanks hyung, Jimin and I have to leave now, see you tomorrow

Vmin : bye!

Namjin : bye!

They come out of the cafe.

Jm : Ahh, I can't believe they hired us

Tae : I can't believe it either

Jm : I'm so happy right now *Jimin hug Taehyung*

Tae : me too *hug back*

They hugged for a few minutes, and then they realized it was a very long hug, so they broke the hug.

Jm : let's go back to the hotel

Tae : ok let's go

They return to the hotel.

*Time Skip*


Jimin wakes up because of the sun's rays penetrating his windows.

*Jimin's POV*

Today is Saturday, my first day of work, I can't wait. I hope to manage.

Jimin gets out of bed.

Yg : Jimin, it' Saturday, why did you wake up so early? *sleepy voice*

Jm : Well, today is the first day of work so I have to be ready

Yg : Wait, did you get hired?

Jm : yes hyung *smile*

Yg : Where?

Jm : At Jin hyung cafe, Taehyung and I have to be there at 10

Yg : Did you and Taehyung work together?

Jm : yes, why?

Yg : Well, I don't know, you and Taehyung are very close and...

Jm : And?

Yg : And I think you'd be look good together

Jm : What? Taehyung and I together pff *embarrased laugh* I'm going to take a shower *run to the bathroom*

Yg's POV : I'm sure they'll be together *smile*

*Time Skip*

Jimin was ready to leave, but his phone ring. He answers the call.

Jm 📱: Hello

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