Jacob Day Smut

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One day around eight or nine Eddie,Ace,Kris,Bryce, and Jackson went out for dinner you and Jacob decided to stay back Jacob was in the Kitchen and you were in your room and you didn't know Jacob was at the house still and you heard some sound downstairs in the kitchen and you get up off your bed and tip toe down the hallway and to the stairs and walk slowly down them you form a fist in your hand and tiptoe towards the kitchen and you stop at a corner by the kitchen door frame and you walk in and there you saw him six foot six muscular brown haired blue eyed Jacob Day standing in the kitchen you were so relieved and then he turned around and saw you and he said "Oh hey Y/n I didn't know you were standing there." You replied back saying "I thought you went with the others." Jacob:"No, I decided to stay back and chill out you know."

your mind: Oh god I wish he would just fuck me already I want him to fuck me so fast so hard and so good. Y/n: "So do you wanna watch Netflix?" Jacob: "Sure I'm just going to grab my phone up stairs real quick." You nod your head and he runs upstairs grabs his phone runs back down you were sitting on the couch and he walks to the living room and sits down next to you and you ask him what he wants to watch and he says 365 days so you press play on it and your watching and then the boat sex scene starts playing and you see Jacob move his hand towards a pillow and grabs it and puts it on his lap and holds it there and you look at him and then you realize he was hard then you make direct eye contact with him and he then realized you knew what was happening and he also knew and then you turn your head to look at the movie again and you didn't even realize the scene had passed and it was the other sex scene in her hotel room when he fucks her at the window and then Jacob turns his head toward the movie and he watches the scene and then his face went red and he looks at you and then he throws the pillow down and then you look at his lap and oh my fucking god he was HUGE and then you look him in his eyes and you knew what was going to happen next you look back at the movie grab the remote paused the movie exited Netflix got up and walked upstairs and Jacob followed you. You walk into your room and Jacob shuts the door and locks it and then he walks closer to you grabs your waist and spins you around and smashes his lips onto yours and you start making out and walking closer to your bed he lays you down looks you in your eyes and rips your shirt off well still keeping eye contact with you and you start making out again and he was on top of you and you flip him over you rip his shirt off and kiss down his neck and down his chest and abs you then get to his pants and unbutton and unzip them you then pull them down with his boxers you then look up at him and start sucking on his dick and he throws his head back and rolls his eyes back and you keep sucking and he starts groaning and breathing heavy and grabs your hair and makes a ponytail with it and is gagging you and he sits up and pulls you up throws you on the bed rips your sweats off and throws them on the ground and starts making out with you again he's on top of you and unclips your bra and he kisses down your neck and all over and right in the crook of your neck you start moaning and he kisses your tits and down your stomach and gets to your panties and kisses your clit through your panties and you moan and he then takes them off and throws them on the floor and starts licking your clit and rubs it with his thumb your moaning loud at this point your so wet he goes faster and he then pulls his fingers out and slowly puts his dick inside of you and let's you adjust to his size and at first it hurt and then it felt so good he starts to trust faster and you start moaning "Oh god" Jacob replies with "That's right I am your God" he's going faster and you're getting louder and he's going faster and he grabs your hand puts it on your stomach and you can feel his dick in your stomach and you move your hand away and you grab his waist he leans down and grabs your face and starts kissing you and you kiss back and he pulls away and he hugs your stomach and he let's go and sits back up still thrusting you reach up and dig your nails in his back as a sign of pleasure and he throws his head back and rolls his eyes back and he leans down and whispers in your ear and says " I'm gonna cum." You nod your head yes and he starts thrusting faster and then he slows down and then you feel him cum inside you but he keeps going and he thrusts faster into you and you moan really loud and start breathing  heavy and you moan "I'm gonna cum" so he starts going faster and you cum and he feels your hot cum on his dick and he pulls out and bends down and starts eating your clit you moan and throw your head back and roll your eyes back and he then lays down next to you and can hear him breathing fast he then sits up and kisses your cheek and moves your hair behind your ear and you look him in the eyes and smirk and kissed you and he gets up grabs his clothes puts his boxers on and he opens and closes the door you sigh and look at the ceiling and shake your head and you get up and put on the shirt he forgot and walk into the bathroom your hair was a mess so you take Jacob's shirt off and get in the shower and you stand there just stand there you then feel the water get cold and turn it off and you get out you hear laughing coming from down stairs you then dry off and and get dressed t-shirt spandex and you go down stairs Ace:"hey Y/N" you wave and walk into the kitchen and there he was sitting there drinking water and when you looked at him he looked almost pissed to see you and you just smiled at him and he rolled his eyes you open the fridge and grab a bang and open it he looks at you shakes his head Y/N:"What"Jacob:"nothing" Y/N:"Well it's obviously something" Jacob:" I just don't really want like a relationship with you or anything" you look at him confused "umm what, trust me you were just a one time thing you were horny and so was I thats all" you walk over to Eddie he's sitting at the dining room table and you pull out a chair next to him you sit down by him you look around to see if Jacob was looking you lock eyes with Eddie and you move your hand onto Eddies' thigh and rub it and grip it you can feel Jacob staring at you. You turn around and you see how mad and jealous he was and you smirk at him then you and Jacob wait for everyone to go to bed you go upstairs and follows you once again up the stairs and this time you go to his room but he's mad and jealous so he fucks you harder,faster and so much better than the last time.

~time skip~

You and Jacob were you know just having amazing sex and hooking up and you two thought no one in the house knew that you guys were having sex in till you and Jacob walk downstairs into the dining room and you and Jacob just had really rough sex in his room and his room is the first door you see when you first walk up them and there they were at the kitchen table talking and waiting for you two Y/n " Yo, what's up guys."  Ace "take a seat you two we need to talk" (that is so cringe) you and Jacob sat down Y/n "Guys please explain to us what Jacob and I are doing here"  Jackson "No, how about you two explain" Jacob "Explain what" Kris "oh I don't know what you two have been doing for the past five weeks" your eyes go wide and you sigh you put your hands on your face you shake your head and laugh they all look at you like you are fucking crazy y/n "oh my god when did you guys find out" Ace "The first time, we got home and we heard y/n moaning I guess you didn't hear the front door but I just want you two to admit to that" Jacob "fine y/n and I are having sex and hooking up" y/n " Jacob and I are having the best sex any of you guys will ever have and every time Jacob fucks me you'll hear my loud moaning and here you guys will be sitting down here wishing you guys were us or better yet wishing that you guys weren't virgins" "would you like that in writing" you smile and get up and got a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down everything you just said signed your name and gave it to him you grab Jacobs hand ran up the stairs to his room and fucked again and you moaned even louder you weren't even moaning at that point you were screaming

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