He Asks You Out

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Word Count: 441


I was having fun, singing and dancing around in my room to Timber by Pitbull. My parents were on a date and both of my siblings were at sleepovers so I had the whole house to myself. It was nice to have the music playing and not have to worry about anyone hearing or listening to me... or so I thought. 

"Nice moves."

I jumped two feet in the air and let out a small shriek. I turned to look at Leo who was now laughing lightly at me. I pouted slightly and crossed my arms, "That's not funny." Leo chuckled again, "Aww, but you look so cute when you pout." I blushed, surprised by Leo's straight-forwards statement. 

"Um, I... thanks," I mumbled. "Do you... want to watch an episode of Space Heroes?" 

Leo blushed slightly too and nodded at my question. I pulled up an episode and we were both soon watching the show with wide eyes. Or Leo was, I was watching Leo. Leo's eyes shone with excitement as he leaned forwards slightly. He had his legs crossed with his hands placed on his knees as a quiet churr (a purring like noise turtles make when they are excited or happy) escaped his lips. I smiled at him. Gosh, he was amazing. Leo must have noticed me staring at him because he turned to look at me with a small smirk on his face. I blushed softly. Great! Now he was going to find out that I liked him. I quickly got up. "I'm gonna go... make s-some popcorn," I muttered. Leo stopped me by grabbing my hand and turning me to face him. I swallowed hard before turning around to look at him. 

Leo's eyes darted around the room before he cleared his throat and looked back up at me. "Y/n, I need to confess something to you. You are so kind to me and I love having you as my friend. You have this amazing ability of making me laugh and feel like a regular teenager instead of a leader. Well, as regular as I can get for a mutant turtle *chuckles*. You are absolutely beautiful with your (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. So I was wondering... would you be my girlfriend?" 

I smiled at him, "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Leo!"

A huge smile came over Leo's face. "Oh thank goodness!" he sighed pulling me into his chest. I giggled and cuddled up to my new boyfriend happily. Leo smiled softly and stroked your hair, hugging me close to him. The two of us spent the next two hours cuddled up on the couch and watching Space Heroes


Word Count: 367


I was asleep on my bed when I heard an obnoxious knocking echoing in my bedroom. I woke up with my hair messy and tangled. I looked around the room in a daze before figuring out the knocking was coming from my window. I stumbled over and opened the curtain to see Raph on the over side. As soon as our eyes connected he blushed furiously and looked away. I opened the window to let him inside. "Raph?" I questioned as I rubbed sleep from my eyes. 

"Ireallyreallylikeyou!" Raph shouted. 

I stopped and looked at him for a moment. "W-what?" I finally stuttered out. 

Raph's cheeks grew red and he covered his face in embarrassment. He shook his head furiously, almost telling himself no. "N-nevermind," he groaned. "God! I'm so stupid! Why would I ever think that a gorgeous, badass, clever human girl would ever like a hot-headed, mutant freak like me. I'm sorry! I'll just go and uh!!" 

"I really like you too," I said quickly as he started to climb out the window. Raph stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to face me. He let out a long, exasperated sigh, "Y/n... you don't have to say that to make me feel better I was an idiot and-"

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