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Hayley's POV 

I opened my eyes slowly, blinded by a bright light. When they finally focused, all I saw was a lot of blue. The sky.  

The air was chilly, but I wasn't cold. That's when I noticed I was leaning against Josh, and his arms were around me protectively. Oh, and we were outside. In my little hole. And it was the morning. 

Oh crap. 

I pushed myself up but Josh held on to me. He opened his eyes sleepily and stared at me in confusion for a second. Then, it all came back to him and he smiled, tightening his grip around me.  

"Morning Hayles," he said happily. 

"Josh..." I was so worried. Everyone must have been looking for us. We had to go back... 

"You know, it would be nice if we could just lie here forever, don't you think?" 

Yes, of course, but we couldn't! He had to focus! "Josh. Let go of me. Josh!"  

He snapped out of it then and let his arms slide off me. "What? Why?" 

I pushed myself up and made it to my feet-not without great efforts-before looking down at the still-sleepy Josh, trying not to let his perfectness soften me. "Because we have to go back!" I answered angrily. "I mean, think about it! Everyone must be so worried about us! Everyone..." I tried to make sense of the scrambled thoughts running through my panicked mind. "We weren't supposed to fall asleep over here! We were supposed to go back home..." 

"But it was nice, wasn't it?" He smiled, still refusing to feel any kind of worry. "I haven't slept so well in weeks. Even this big rock felt more comfortable than my stupid bed." He laughed. "Come on, Hayles... Cheer up!"  

I managed to smile a little. It HAD been nice... I remembered how I'd cuddled into him last night, feeling so happy and safe... totally careless. I had fallen asleep so quickly it was a miracle, and I hadn't thought one second about what would happen the next day. I had hoped, wished and imagined that that moment would never end.  

But it did. And now we were in big trouble. 

Josh finally decided to get up. He passed his hand through his hair thoughtfully. "Let's never go back," he proposed suddenly. I gave him a look filled with amusement and disapproval. "No, really! Let's just run away. Just you and me. They'll never find us..." 

"Josh, Josh, woah!" I waved my hands in front of me frantically in an attempt to make him shut up. "What the hell are you talking about? This isn't Romeo and Juliet! This is real life!" 

"But it's a whole lot like Romeo and Juliet..." 

I scoffed. "Listen, I can't just leave. I have to go back home. Now." That being said, I climbed out of the hole and started walking away slowly. Josh caught up with me and pulled me back.  

"Where are you going? Come on, you didn't even say goodbye!" 

I sighed. "Look, this isn't the last time we see each other, ok?" I wanted to believe it. I really, really did. "I mean, we can hang out on weekends and stuff, and when school's over we'll have so much time..." Ok, so it was a sucky plan, but it was better than nothing, and for the first time it actually sounded like a plan. It might actually work. 

But Josh didn't look so excited. He avoided my gaze, staring miserably at the ground. "Hayles... There's something I need to tell you." I raised my eyebrows. That didn't sound good. "My dad decided we're moving back to Vancouver," he blurted out so fast I barely understood.  

And then his words finally made sense, and I felt like a brick had fallen on my head. "You... you're leaving?" I couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true. After all we'd been through, when I'd finally found some real hope... THIS.  

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