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"Luke" I say softly as my knuckle hits his bedroom door. The lights turned off and there's not a sound coming from within. "Luke, come on. It's just me"

Slowly, the door creaks open and Luke is standing there. "Oh baby" I coo. I barge my way into his room, kick the door shut by my heel, and hold onto him.

His arms snake around my waist as he bends over to fit his head in my neck, a sob escaping his lips and I feel responsible for this, for what Karen said. "It's ok. It's ok" my hand brushes over the back of his head.

I bring Luke over to his bed, laying down with him on my stomach. His head lay on my breast while his arms stay around my body. My hands mess around in his hair and I can't help but smile. "She's wrong. That woman couldn't be more wrong"

Luke picks up his face and rests his chin on my chest, "How can we know that?"

"Because I know you" I whisper. "You'd never be able to hurt anyone you love. You couldn't hurt a fly" My hand stays in his hair.


"Luke, please don't do this. You're talking down on yourself" My hand slides down to cup his face, "Honey please"

Luke swallows, as he looks into my eyes. His grip on me tightens as he sighs once more, "You should get back to the girls"

I bite my tongue and nod, "Ok yeah. I'll be around if you need anything"

He nods with a small smile, "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah" I nod, "We'll be in the basement" Luke shifts off me and I kiss his forehead.

"Buh bye" He waves as I walk out of the room.

"How's Luke?" Carrie asks as she sits on the floor. Her hand going through the bristles of the carpet.

I shrug and sigh, "He's hurt but better. He just wants to be alone"

"Typical of my brother" She rolls her eyes. The sounds of the staircase creaking tells us that Flynn is back.

"I GOT SNACKS!" She exclaims with excitement.

"My lord" I rub my forehead. "Alright, let's get this started"

Flynn puts down the plate of cookies Luke had made (and sent me many photos of him making) earlier today. "Ok so give us details" She leans forward, "What's Luke like?"

"Flynn, that's my brother" Carrie groans as Flynn regards her girlfriends comment.

I laugh and lean back on the couch, "We haven't done anything" I shrug. "Mostly kisses to the forehead or cheek"

"Boring" Flynn lays back with her feet on my lap, "Alright, any movies or stuff ga want to watch?"

"No Christmas movies for the fucking grinch here" Carrie stands up and grabs the remote for the huge TV.

I laugh and grab one of the cookies, "Y'a know, a Christmas movie couldn't be the worst thing possible" I shrug as I examine the cookie and smile.

"Who are you and what have you done to the holiday hating woman I know?" Carrie gasps as she turns on Netflix and starts scrolling.

"She started dating your holiday loving brother. That's what" Flynn kicks me lightly which just makes me blush. Atleast it's easier to fake date someone you actually have feeling for.

"Stop it you two, let's just hang out and not talk about this- Luke stuff" I wave my hands around.

"Fine. But we're watching Love Actually" Flynn points towards the screen.

under the mistletoeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora