"I—I still can't believe it meself..." Gina mumbled.

"Gina?" Susato said, concern overtaking her.

"...It was the Reaper," Gina said.

"The—Wait a minute! You don't mean...they've arrested Lord van Zieks for it!?" Ryunosuke said.

"That's right! That Reaper bloke's gone an' shot the boss!" Gina said.

"No!" Ryunosuke gasped.

Susato's entire body went numb. A white haze settled over her mind, paralysing her thoughts. Her breath was painfully loud in her ears.

"Are you quite sure, Miss Lestrade? It's Barok van Zieks the police have arrested?" Sholmes said.

"I saw 'im wiv me own eyes. In the interview room at the Yard," Gina said.

"I don't believe it..." Susato breathed.

"But there were witnesses. An' they're all sayin' it was 'im."

"So you mean...there were actually....multiple witnesses?" Susato said slowly, the noise in her ears growing louder, a terrible pain expanding across her mind.

"They 'eard the gunshot, apparently. An' when our lot got to the scene...there was only the boss an' that Reaper bloke in the room!"

"I don't...I don't believe it!" Susato said, blinking quickly. She could feel something cold inching down her face.

And then she realised Gina was gone and Ryunosuke was staring at her.

"...What do you want to do, Miss Susato?" he said quietly.

"We...We were supposed to..." She let out a slow, shaking breath. "We need to go to the prison. I need to see him!"

"Alright. Let's go."


Susato could scarcely believe the sight before her eyes. But it was true. Barok van Zieks was in prison. Sitting near the left wall of a dimly lit cell, a candle flickering in its depths, while he stared at a paper clutched in one gloved hand. It was such a bizarre sight, so surreal. Susato simply stared at him for a moment, her heart pounding as she tried to convince her mind this was real. That he had really been accused of murdering dear Inspector Gregson.

"So it's true. He really was arrested," Susato murmured, her lips numb. She barely felt herself speak, and only heard her own voice distantly.

"Yes...Erm...Lord van Zieks!" Ryunosuke called.

Barok lifted his head. His eyes landed first on Susato and she felt her heart clench at the sight of him, at the agony that filled his gaze. Then his neutral expression clicked back into place. He stood and walked towards the door, his attention shifting to Ryunosuke.

"Fancy meeting you here. The last place on earth I'd like to be, with the last person on earth I'd like to see," he said.

"Um...do you mean me or Miss Susato?" Ryunosuke said nervously.

"Mr. Naruhodo," Susato said dejectedly.

"Ah...sorry," Ryunosuke said.

".....Go home. This has nothing to do with you," Barok said, his voice stern and quiet. And this time, he was looking directly at Susato.

Sorrow & Mercy: a Great Ace Attorney AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora