You look familiar

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Harry was spinning fast in a vortex of green. He opened his mouth to scream but swallowed a mouthful of horrible tasting stuff. Without warning he landed tripping and falling to the floor breaking his glasses in the tapped middle again.

The old man came over and helped Harry up brushing him off in the process and handing him his somehow mended glasses, only then did Harry get a glimpse of where he was.

They were standing in the living room of a very strange house. There where weird things that Harry had never seen before placed meticulously around the in the comfortable space.

"Lets go fetch that tea then." Dumbledore said then led him out of the room into the kitchen. They're where several people at the table talking animatedly about something.

"All I'm saying," said one with messy black hair "Is that there's no possible way Remus is the spy. He's our friend."

"He's all of our friends, James." Said a pretty red haired girl "but if there's evidence then we can't take chances."

The third very handsome man looked thoughtful and angry. "The information is not concrete so we can't jump to conclusions but if I find out information is leaking through him I will blast his ass to next week!"

There was a silence after this statement and the three at the table just seemed to realize the old mans presence.

"Hi Albus." The messy haired man greeted as he ruffled his hair "What brings you here? I thought you wouldn't be coming back to headquarters for at least another week? What happened to staying at Hogwarts?"

"I was planning on it but the appearance of Harry has forced me to alter my plans slightly."

All the adults' heads turned to meet Harry's nervous gaze. He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet as they stared at him.

The handsome man frowned. "It's not like you to bring home strays at time like this."

"He appeared in my office as I was reading a letter from the minister." Dumbledore continued "Harry meet James," He pointed to the messy haired boy. "Lily" His figure moved to point at the woman. "And Sirius." He waved his hand towards the handsome man closest to Harry, who waved.

"How did he get there Albus?" Lily asked "no one can apparate to Hogwarts and he's to young for that anyway."

"That's what I intend to find out. Maybe you could question him whilst I boil the water for some tea?" the old man shuffled around the kitchen and pulled out a few cups.

"Why don't you sit down Harry?" said Lily "we won't bite."

Slowly he obeyed and sat next to the man who had waved, he didn't want to get in trouble.

"What's your name? Umm...Your full name?" said the one called James, he looked at Harry with caring eyes and gripped Lily's left hand, whose wedding band sparkled in the dim light.

"Harry...Umm... Harry James Potter."

To his surprise this got quite a reaction from the people sitting around the table. The one next to him laughed and the couple stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"Come to think of it," Commented Sirius "He does look like you, Prongs. Has your hair, Lily's eyes." He laughed again throwing back his head in mirth.

"Shut it, Padfoot." Said James tersely

Who was Padfoot? What was Prongs? Harry thought but didn't dare ask: Uncle Vernon had told Harry never to ask questions.

"What where you doing before you came here Harry?" asked Lily calmly

Harry scrunched up his eyes to think. "Uncle Vernon was mad at me so I got sent to go think about what I'd done and I fell asleep." He replied guiltily

Sirius laughed even louder. "He really takes after you, Prongs."

The woman's face had gone paper white though, you could tell that thoughts where racing threw her mind. Harry heard her faintly repeat his uncle's name.

Just then in walked the old man again carrying a tray of steaming cups with a plate of cookies on the corner.

Instantly Harry felt relieved. The elderly man was the only one not giving him strange looks.

"So," said Dumbledore taking a seat at the head of the table and placing the tray down. "What's the verdict?"

The man next to Harry smiled in a mischief's way and made a big show with his hands as he announced "This is Harry James Potter." Before barking a laugh again.

Dumbledore's eyebrows raised in surprise and fixed Harry with a calculating stare.

Harry wished they would stop.

"Yes." The oldest man said slowly "Yes that's very interesting... Tell me Harry what year is it?"

Harry was confused by being asked such a silly question, but answered politely anyway, Aunt Petunia would have been proud. "Its 1985 sir."

The adults exchanged nervous glances as Harry gingerly took a cookie. At the Dursley's he had never been allowed sweets.

"Little bugger figured out how to time travel." Said Sirius ruffling Harry's hair and almost making him choke on his cookie. "Yep, He should be conceived any time now." He added winking at his raven-haired friend who replied with a smack on the head. "Hey!" Sirius cried throwing up his arms in defense. "As long as I'm the godfather I'm happy."

Harry was now completely lost. Time travel? Conceived? Godfather? So he decided to do the one thing his uncle had never told him to do: ask a question. "What does Con-conceived mean?" He had said it very quietly but all the adults had heard.

Sirius held his stomach in pain from the laughter and Dumbledore chuckled while the other two's face went scarlet.

"That's not important." Said the woman whose face was now nearing the color of her hair as she glared at the man to Harry's left. After Sirius had calmed down a little Lily continued. "You said you where in trouble with your uncle, Harry. Where are your parents?"

Harry took another bite of his cookie before answering. "They died when I was little in a car crash."

James snorted. "Car crash my ass-sleep." He finished his eye's darting between his wife and the five-year-old.

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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