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C h a p t e r E i g h t »»————> R e g r e t & A c h e <————«« Ryder Capra
Sofia is sitting in the middle of my bed, holding her knees to her chest, her arms wrapped around them, her chin resting on her forearm, tears streaming down her face.
She has been crying since I brought her back home. I sent my father home, not wanting her to stress any more than she already has. I told him I was going to punish her, that he would get tired of hearing her screams, so he was pleased and left happily.
I take one last look at her before turning to my desk. I suck in a deep breath. I open up her case file and pull all the pictures we have gotten of her since she was only 15 when Kai became hyper fixated on her.
Then I hold up the pictures of Kai and Sofia together. When my father disowned Kai, Kai forced his way into her life. It started with "accidentally" bumping into her in the same store twice, which got her curiosity fixed on him, he then showed up in her apartment building, drunk, and she cared for him, and after that, I think he tricked her into thinking she loved him.
He ruined her life, she lost her job, dropped out of college and became severely suicidal. It was like she was dead already but somehow still breathing.
It was hard to watch, even harder when my father decided after they broke up and she got a restraining order against Kai that I would officially take over.
Her case went from her being our way to find her father and kill him for killing my mother to our way to kill our brother. He became a virus that we need to eliminate.
My father still wants to kill her father but I don't see her being any help to that, she doesn't know her parents, especially not her father, but my father doesn't want to let go of my mother's murder yet, I don't blame him, he really did love her.
I stack up all the pictures and toss them at her feet. She looks up and eyes me, unsure of what to do. She unfolds herself and looks at the stack and sifts through the for a while.
"Kai will kill me," Is all she says. She collects all the papers and lines them up neatly before handing the stack back to me, "And if he doesn't kill me he will kidnap me, maybe torture me, or worse, make me be his little sex slave," She wipes her nose as she sniffles, anger and disgust now evident in her expression.
I sit next to her, leaving enough room in between us to keep her comfortable, "I won't let him do that, don't think, even for a second I will let anyone ever hurt you again,"
She scoffs at this, which I cannot blame her for having little faith in me, "Does that include yourself?" She narrows her eyes on me. Guilt pains my chest, remembering my own two hands have caused her just as much hurt as Kai has. Knowing I have stooped to the same level as him disgusts me, I want to cut my own hands off for it.
"If I ever lay a hand on you again, you can kill me, stab me in the heart, slit my throat, shootme I don't care, you will kill me," The space we once had has no evaporated. I am leaning into her, her back against the headboard, her chest heaves and I feel her hot breaths kiss my face. Her big brown eyes stare into me full of shock.
My eyes flicker down to her puffy pink lips, then back up to her mocha orbs. Without thinking my hand grabs her throat, gently pulling her to me, my lips crashing onto hers, she freezes for a second only to begin kissing back, desperately, like she is a hungry wolf and I am her prey.
I slide my free hand to the back of her head, and deepen the kiss, we are compressed together, a panting mess as we both steal each other's air.
She pushes me back onto the bed and climbs on top of me, a wide smile curls onto my face. She straddles me, her ass rubbing into my strained erection. She bends down and she kisses me again, I cup her face and trail kisses down to her neck, sucking on her skin until she is bruised and purple.
Small moans slip past her lips as my hand glides up her large shirt to cup her bare breast. I rub her taut nipple and squeeze gently, she kisses my neck, but suddenly she jumps up off me.
I sit up, confused. She is standing at the side of the bed, her lips parted, eyes blinking rapidly as she stands with her arms crossed over her chest.
"I—That was," She thinks for a moment, considering how to say what she wants to, "No," Is all she can muster. She shakes her head, and blushes, pink painting her skin. She mutters words under her breath and locks herself inside my bathroom, which luckily for me, has no windows she can escape out of.
I hear the shower begin to run, and I groan. I flop back onto my bed and rub my jaw. Staring at the ceiling, I replay the moments in my head, until she comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She says nothing, just grabs some more clothes and locks herself back in. She comes out in my boxers and a hoodie this time.
Sofia avoids all eye contact possible, unusual for her. She loves testing boundaries, but clearly kissing her tested way too many. She curls up in the bed, where she has been sleeping recently and shuts her eyes.
I wait until I know she is for sure asleep before I head into the bathroom. Not even a cold shower relives the ache in my cock and I give into my desires, stroking my pulsing member in my hands. I bite my lip hard, struggling to keep the noises coming from my mouth to a minimum.
My chest heaves as I come to my release, and I turn the water off after I let it rinse my skin off once more. When I finally pull some clothes on, I suck in a quick breath, really hoping Sofia will still be in bed sleeping, I really, really do not want to run through a forest at night.
Thankfully when I open the door her eyes are peering up at me, a soft, tired expression on her face. I release the breath I didn't know I was holding and offer her a small grin. She rolls her eyes and turns away from me, sinking into the bed. I smile wider as I round the bed and slip in next to her.
"You're a loud moaner," Is all she has to say to leave my skin burning hot. I whip my head to hers and she is laying on her side giggling as she looks at me.
"I think you moan louder than me," She taunts, with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah? Wanna find out?" I now tease her, catching her off guard as her mouth flys open. I'm hovering over her now, her chest rising just high enough with the peak of each breath that I feel her nipples poke my lower stomach. I ignore the pain growing in my pants again and I dip my head to her shoulder, planting small kisses on her, up her neck to her cheek.
She squirms under me, a small moan escapes her lips as pink blush paints her skin. She takes her bottom lip in between her teeth and I catch it with my own. Her eyes widen as I eye her like she is my prey.
"Do you want me to make you moan?" I suck on her neck, biting and nipping at her skin.
Her breath hitches, before she decides, "Yes, please," She whispers her pleas, and thats when I flip over onto my back, on my side of the bed. Returning the favor of blue balling me earlier.
"Ryder?" She sits up, arms crossed over her chest, she looks disheveled and confused.
"Go to bed, Sofia," I instruct. She frowns, and the look of disappointment almost makes me change my mind.
I do want to make her moan, hear her grow aroused and become a mess under me all due the touch of my hands, but I don't, and I won't. I push the thoughts out of my mind as I try to go to bed.