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It's a few days before Christmas. Lynn is spending Christmas with her family this year. She is busy packing her suitcase when she gets a phone call.

Lynn: Hello Esmee.
Esmee: Hi sister, What time exactly are you coming this afternoon?
Lynn: I mentioned that in the family app and that was around 3 o'clock.
Esmee: Yes but you know mom is doing all kinds of things and not looking at her phone. So that's why mom told me to call.
Lynn: Okay but tell mom that you called and that you know I'll be there around 3 o'clock.
Esmee: Yes I will, see you this afternoon.

Lynn pushes Esmee off on her cell phone and continues wrapping her gifts and other items. When she sees that it is 12:30 she prepares something to eat for herself.

Lynn has everything packed and locks her door and walks to her car with everything. Once everything is in the car she drives towards her parents' house.

After an hour she arrives there and rings the doorbell. Her mother opens and lets her in with all the stuff.

Mom: Heyy Lynn, had a good trip here?
Lynn: Yes indeed. Everything came with me to this place.
Mom: That's great. Leave your things in the hallway. Then we'll have some delicious tea and have a seat. Your father is still at work and Esmee is upstairs.

A little later Esmee comes downstairs and she gives Lynn a hug.

Esmee: Hey sister, did all the presents come with you?
Lynn: That's the first thing you ask? Not if everything went well on the way or something with this slippery weather?
Esmee: Well you're here anyway then I'm sure it went well.
Mom: Well Esmee a little more sympathy is fine with your sister.
Esmee: Yes ok! Did everything go well on the way to get here?
Lynn: Glad you asked. And yes everything went well. And the presents are still in one piece.

Lynn went upstairs to unpack her suitcase and put her clothes in her closet. She put the presents under the Christmas tree.

The next morning is Friday, the day before Christmas. Lynn goes into the woods with Esmee because she has missed that now that she lives in a city which is also nice.

Esmee: Ugh this is a nice place to take pictures.
Lynn: Yes it sure is. Shall I take some of yours first.
Esmee: Yes that's good.

After a while they switched positions and Esmee takes a lot of pictures of Lynn. After an hour of walking and taking pictures they walk back home. When they get home their mom makes delicious chocolate milk. Lynn posts a picture on her Instagram page for the holidays.

She notices that she immediately gets a lot of comments and likes

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She notices that she immediately gets a lot of comments and likes. When she put her mobile away, her mom walks into the living room with the mugs of chocolate milk.

Mom: So there you both have your mugs.
Lynn: Thank you. Should I help with the food later?
Mom: No, most of it is already done. Just take it easy. You've had a busy year and I think next year will be even busier so enjoy your time off and rest.
Lynn: Okay mom.

It's Christmas morning and Lynn and her family are downstairs by the Christmas tree opening all the presents. Lynn has always had a wish to have a little dog of her own. And every time she hopes that with her birthday or Christmas she might get a puppy.

Esmee: Who will start to give a present?
Mom: Well do you want to start Esmee?
Esmee: Yes that's fine.

Esmee grabs a gift that is for her father. Father unwraps it and is happy with it. After an hour almost all the presents are unwrapped.

Mom: We have a few more presents but first I am going to grab one more present.
Father: Okay that's good. come back soon because I want to know what the other presents are.
Esmee: Dad be patient. We have all day to unwrap presents.
Lynn: You know Dad is not patient when it comes to presents.

Their mother comes walking back with a big box. She puts it in front of Lynn.

Mom: Lynn we know you've had a busy year. And so on behalf of the three of us, you get this gift. Just open it.

Lynn opens the box and sees the most adorable puppy she has ever seen. Lynn picks up the little animal and begins to hug it. She lets out a few tears.

Lynn: This is the best present I've ever had. Is he really mine?
Father: Yes the puppy is for you. We haven't given him a name yet. You can make up that for yourself.
Lynn: I'm going to think about that carefully. But it's a super cute dog.

A little later when they have unwrapped all the presents. They go to eat their breakfast/lunch. Lynn quickly takes a few pictures of her new puppy. She posts one of the pictures on her Instagram.

Then they get all dressed and go for a stroll through the Woods together with the puppy

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Then they get all dressed and go for a stroll through the Woods together with the puppy. After one hour they return and they prepare something delicious. Her mom begins with the Christmas dinner. Lynn cuddles with her dog for the rest of the day.

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