Episode 13

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"Are you crazy?"


JUNNI AND JAEYUN had been looking for Aera till late night. They had tried to get a hold of her, but failed as the girl didn't bothered to answer any of their text messages.

Junni knocked on the family's door, waiting for someone to pick up. Her foot tapped anxiously as she waited. Unlike Jaeyun, Junni was more worried and scared.

Before Aera had completely logged off, she had called Junni. Leaving her on call, not saying anything on the phone except for the yelling Junni had heard from the other side. She couldn't hear clearly on what the other people were saying, but one thing she had picked up was that Aera was now a suspect, and before she could say anything, the line was cut off.

Fortunately, she was the little hera club's suspect and not the big ones. Seokkyung and the other teenagers would be easy to handle but if the adults were involved, then it'll be a real life and death situation.

But still, if the adults knew, then Aera would really be in danger for crossing their path.

The door being opened caught the her attention. Rona stared at them wide eyes, confused to see her sister's friend standing outside her home.

"Junni? What are you doing here?" She asked her.

"Is Aera home?"


"I said is Aera home?"

"No... she went out for a bit. I don't know where she was going."

Junni huffed and ran her fingers through her hair frustratingly. "Do you know how long till she comes back? Aera has some of my notes, and I needed them to study." She lied.

"No, but I can go get them for you from Aera's room—" Rona suggested, only to be cut off by her.

"It's okay! I can just wait and ask her for it tomorrow morning." Junni told her, hurriedly. She was thankful that Rona didn't noticed the concealed concern look on her face. "I have to go meet Jaeyun for study."

Rona nodded. "Okay. I'll tell Aera that you stopped by."

Junni hummed and turned around to leave but before she could, her name was called. She turned again to face the girl with an impatient and questioning look on her face.

Bae Rona's mouth opened and close, though soon gained the courage to speak. "I want to ask something about Aera..." She started hesitantly. Upon seeing Junni's nod to urge her to speak, she continued. "I-Is she and Seokhoon together?"

The older girl stopped for a second and thought a bit, then shook her head. When she thought that was it, Junni went back to leave only to be stopped again.

"Well, um, does she like Seokhoon?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself, Rona." Junni suggested. "She's your sister after all, so if you want to know, you should ask Aera if she likes him or not."

She knew what the answer was immediately, even though Aera herself doesn't noticed it. The girl was either complete oblivious or ignorant to it. But it wasn't her place to tell them and Aera's friend, she would never do that. 

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