It Happened

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This one particular night. Avery went to watch the moon. As now she had turned 14. Avery decided to go outside. She saw the moon shine with it's wonderful sparkle. The moonlight reflecting on the windows from the house. Avery went to the lake nearby her house. The moon looked beautiful next to the the peaceful lake waters. As she was admiring the beauty of the moon, something happened. Suddenly, the moon began to come closer, but smaller. Right on top of the lake was a floating orb. A big one. This orb looked like the moon. With it's beauty and shine. The orb came closer to Avery. As it got closer, Avery was backing away.

"This thing could be possibly dangerous" -Avery thought to herself

As the orb has came to a stop, it dropped to the ground. Revealing a young boy. This boy, was the Moon Boy.

The Girl And The MoonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon