"You missed my friendship?" Park couldn't believe it. Not that he didn't think Yo wanted to be his friend anymore, but the way Yo was leaning in and casually laying his hand on Park's thigh was a lot more than friendly.

"Of course, I rarely see you anymore," Yo said, an adorable pout on his face. "Don't you miss me, too? Didn't you say you would always be my friend?"

"I did, I am your friend," Park stuttered when Yo's hand on his thigh travelled a little higher.

"Do you remember what you else you said?" Yo asked, whispering now as his hand travelled even higher, nudging gently against Park's growing erection.

"What else did I say?" Park closed his eyes, trying to calm his body as Yo smiled widely at the reaction he was getting.

Quickly moving his hand from Park's thigh and sitting back, Yo calmly asked, "Would you like to study with me? We've got a quiz coming up and I think I need a little more review."

Park, who had been very close to believing he was finally getting what he wanted, shook his head in confusion. Yo's entire attitude, posture, and voice had changed out of nowhere. Had Park imagined the way Yo had been looking at him and touching him? It happened so often in his dreams that sometimes he woke up thinking he was making love to Yo. Could he have started daydreaming now too?

Park cursed his overactive imagination as he and Yo stood to leave. They were going to study and though Park appreciated that Yo was making an effort to maintain their friendship, he was still concerned that his daydreaming was getting out of hand.

When they arrived at the dorm, Yo walked into Park's room and closed the door behind him. Park, who was taking off his shoes, stopped short when he heard the lock click in place. He looked at Yo, who was now taking off his own shoes, and tried to calm his overactive imagination. They'd come here to study often before, so why was he so nervous this time? He knew what it was, of course. He didn't want his mind to wander and end up having a daytime wet dream. He didn't know if that was possible, but he'd been having wet dreams about Yo at night for a couple of weeks now, so he couldn't rule it out.

He straightened up, taking a deep breath before intending to ask Yo if he'd like anything to drink, when he found himself being assaulted. Two beautiful lips, lips that he had loved since the moment he'd first seen them, were attaching themselves to his mouth, sucking and biting. His eyes opened wide as he tried to take in what was happening. Yo was kissing him. Yo, the man who already had two boyfriends, was kissing him in his dorm room. Why?

He pinched himself, sure this was another daydream, but when the spot where he pinched himself erupted in pain, he knew he was awake. Not caring why anymore, Park grabbed Yo's body and began to kiss back, desperate to enjoy whatever moment of madness had brought this on before Yo came to his senses. Park was so focused on the way their mouths and tongues connected that it took him a moment to notice that Yo hadn't been just kissing. His hands had travelled down Park's chest and were now quickly unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants.

"Yo?" Park couldn't help it now, his body was screaming at him not to ruin this moment, but he had to know.

"Pha decided that we should have an open relationship," Yo explained, hand cradling Park's erection through his boxers. "I couldn't help remembering how good you've always been to me. How much I've always enjoyed your company. And you said you wouldn't mind sharing, so ...."

The words cut off as Yo pressed his forehead up to touch Park's and pressed his lips to Park's gently once more. Yo's hands continued stroking Park's cock as the other man tried to make sense of what was happening. From polyamorous to open? He tried to remember the difference. Did polyamorous mean stable relationships between two or more people and open meant you had a steady partner or partners, but could have sex with anyone?

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