
133 8 3

A: > Anime, Art

B: > Buddies

C: > Cats, Cosplay

D: > Daft Punk

E: > England

F: > Fish (Koi Carp)

G: > Galleries

H: > Halestorm

I: > Ice cream

J: > Jealous

K: > K is for Kimmy who was shot in the head XD (Song by Creature Feature: Gorey Demise)

L: > Life

M: > Manga

N: > Not here

O: > Open minded

P: > Priceless

Q: > Quillen and Millicent!

R: > Random, Russian lover <3 (Just love their, music, culture, country, people...ect ^^)

S: > Smile

T: > T.V (Russel Howard's Good News) Tangled (Apparently my hair is as long as Rapunzel's)

U: > Unique

V: Vampire (NOT REALLY...I don't really like 'em, just couldn't find anthing for V)

W: > Whisper

X: > X-ray

Y: Young/ish XD

Z: > Zebra


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