Chapter 1

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I walk to the empty table on campus. All of them were packed with people. I sit down and take out my lunch and history book.

"Hey Elena" I look up at a few girls passing by. I wave at them and go back to my homework.

"Elena" I roll my eyes before looking at Damon.

"What do you want?" I said annoyed. He sits down and smirks.

"What? A guy can't just say hi" He says giving me an innocent smile.

"You're an ass so you must have a reason to be here annoying me" he laughs putting his hand on mine.

"Don't touch me" I said pretty loud getting a few looks from people around us.

"Oh come Elena, stop being such a bitch" he says making me get up.

"You know why I'm being a bitch to you. You cheated on me with multiple girls." I grabbed my bag and book. I couldn't see his face anymore.

We were dating for 7 months. I told him I loved him and I really thought he did too but I found out he was cheating on me for months. I was heartbroken and broke up with him a month ago. He follows me like a puppy dog. Begging to take him back, that he loves me and blah blah blah.

"Elena wait up!" I turn around only to be hugged by Caroline.

"Dude your squeezing the life out of me" I said laughing.

"Sorry, why were you with Damon?" Caroline says fixing her red blouse.

"I wasn't. He sat with me and you know the rest" she nods in understanding.

"He should drop dead. Anyways did you hear about the party?" I shake my head putting my history book in my bag.

"Stefan is throwing a party at his house and we're all invited" she says excitedly. I shake my head right away. I haven't seen him in months. He warned me about Damon that he would hurt me and make my heart break into pieces.

He was right.

"Oh come on Elena! This is the party. The party of the year!" I keep shaking my head.

"Bonnie please tell her to come with us" Bonnie was walking towards us.

"It's a perfect time to find a booty call for you" Bonnie said getting Caroline to smile and me to pretend gag.

"I don't want anything to do with men. I should become a lesbian. They won't cheat" I said getting them to laugh.

"Girls cheat too. Now what's the real reason you don't want to go?" Bonnie knows me to well. I look at the ground.

"Stefan was right about Damon.... He told me many times but I wouldn't listen. I don't want him to see me hurt" I felt someone arm around my shoulder.

"Stefan isn't like that." Bonnie also puts her arm around my shoulder.

"Fine I'll go but I'm not staying long" I get Caroline to yell out with excitement.

I smile at my two best friends.


"May I ask why you have so many outfits on the bed?" Alaric asked with crossed arms.

"Caroline and Bonnie are forcing me to go to this party" I sit down on my computer chair.

"Not happy about it?" He tries to sit on the bed.

"Damon will be there and it's already annoying seeing him at school" he knows about Damon cheating on me.

"Well I think it'll be fun. Just ignore Damon, if not you tell me and I'll kick his ass" I chuckle because he can kick his ass. He almost did when Damon came over a week after I found out.

"That one is cute." he says pointing to my blue blouse and leather jacket.

"Thanks" he smiles before walking out. I get my skinny jeans and blouse and walk in the bathroom.

I change into them and look at the mirror.

I don't need any makeup. I brush my hair and leave it down.

"Elena Caroline is here!" I sigh to myself.

Hopefully this party is fun.

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