Chapter 4: Antonio's Gift ceremony

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It was the time for Antonio's Gift Ceremony, and the whole town is celebrating with songs and fireworks and candles. One man gave fireworks sticks to a bunch of children and they were heading towards the Madrigal's Casita.

At the Casita, Every Madrigal member took a role to be prepare Luisa took every guest family's donkey and puts them in area where all of the donkey's goes and Camilo took the role of greeting the guests by shifting into them, He greeted a elderly women and he greeted the delivery guy and then he high fives to a little girl. "Cecelia, up tops!"

Casita took the role taking and hanging the guest's hats and coats, Isabela took the role of showing everyone her flower petals, she gave a little girl a flower hat and she gave flower bouquet to a women and she gave a man a flower-like beard. The children were holding on Luisa whose holding a plate of dessert, Marino the handsome man in the village get one as his mother fixed his hair as Marino look at Isabela. 

Two children look up at the stairway which leads to Antonio's door which is still glowing, they attend to go it but Casita stops them by turning into a make gift slide which both children slide down and it made them happier. 

Meanwhile, where Tia Pepa and Tia Felix and Dolores and Camilo are, 

Mirabel and Leba and Antonio walking from the stairs, "We found him, he was in our room under our bed. So we help him get his confident back up." Leba explained, Mirabel look proudly at her little brother as Antonio walks to his family. 

"Hey! Papito! Are you ready for your big day of the show?" Felix ask his son, Pepa start to tear up as storm cloud appears. "Look at you, all grown up," Felix  wave away the cloud as he say to Pepa, "Amor, you'll going to get him all wet." 

Then Camlio shapeshift to his father and imitate him, "You'll Papa proud!" Tio Felix complained, "I don't sound like that," Camilo copies what he said, "I don't sound like that," Dolores title her head and she said,  "Abuela says, 'It's time.'

Tia Pepa kneed down to Antonio and kiss him on the cheeks, "We'll be waiting for you at your door,", Leba say to Mirabel "I'll be with them," Tio Felix said to his family, "Ok, Vamos Vamos Vanos!", " Ok ok, Vamos Vamos Vamos!" But Tio Felix grabs him as Camilo said, "Alright, I'm done!" Mirabel watched as the ceremony begins and at where Abuela is at the middle of the stairs. She was holding the magic candle and  she took a deep breathe as she about to address the townspeople and her family,

"Fifth years ago, in our darkest moment. This Candle blessed us with a miracle, and the greatest honor of our family has been to use our blessings to serve this beloved community. Tonight, we come  together once more as another steps into the light, to make us proud." The crowd cheered as the curtain at the Archway  opens to reveal Antonio, but except he was nervous.

He didn't even move a tiny inch, Casita tries get him to move. But he won't budge, Leba; whose at the top floor among with Tia Pepa, Tio Felix and Abuela are seeing Antonio standing there. Leba notices why, "He's nervous again." He thought, as Antonio is froze by the stares of the townspeople. He wouldn't move a budge, then he turns to Mirabel and he lend out his hand to her. "He's wants Mirabel to be his escort..." Leba whisper, Abuela Alma heard what Leba said and she looking further and she can see Mirabel from the shadow whose's shooting her head, Mirabel knew that Abuela wouldn't approves of this. Every Madrigal Child goes by him or herself, and Mirabel knows that "I can't........." She saids to him, Antonio insisted "I need you....." She heist at first, cause she's afraid that Abuela will be disappoint if Antonio didn't receive his gift, but her brother will be happy and knew that it'll be Family supporting. 

Then she notices his determining looks are getting her heart to accept it, if he wants to be with her, then she'll be there with him. She gather her courage and walks over besides him, which surprises everyone as they see Mirabel with Antonio and they recall the last two gift ceremony. Then Mirabel look down at her cousin and smiles, "Come on, let's  get you to your door." Antonio nod as he and Mirabel walks through the courtyard and every step that they took, Mirabel felt a pain of her fail gift ceremony and her brother's as well. They walk up the stairs and  arrives at Antonio's door and Mirabel let go of Antonio's hand and walks over to Leba, he gives her a thumbs up and seeing that he gave her, 'Nice Family support' looks. But as they watched Antonio taking the pledge as he holds the magic candle, it bought sad memories to them as they remember when they were five.

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