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This is also where Jiang Cheng talked to Wei ying before reporting it to Jin ling and Sizhui. Enjoy!
(Make sure to stick to the end to see some news)

Wei ying's POV*

I was hanging around in the Jiang Mansion with my Love one, Lan Zhan.

We were having our lovely times.
Holding hands,
All of that stuff.

He kept Begging me with his Eyes full of lust to go in our room and...Everyday means Everyday.

I kept saying no for now. I keep feeling his ' Thing ' wether he Begs me to go in our room, or when we were just being lovey-dovey.

I was about to say 'fine' until, my Martial-Brother Came in.

It wasn't all normal. He was rushing. Catching his breath. Pissed. His face was burning as in something Bad..no. something had gone TERRIBLY wrong out of nowhere. And to my guess,

"Please. Stop all of this Nonesense shit. We, no you, have things to handle it, ASAP. If you don't stop this, it will reach YunMeng in the nick of time."

He gasped for air. I ran over him and made sure he's ok and asked,

"Do you have Info about this? If so, can you share it to me and Lan zhan?"

Jiang Cheng nodded and said,
"To tell you the truth, there's a merchant who, unbelievably, ran over to the south west to here. In the main City of Yunmeng. From the looks of him, he looks frightened. Like he saw the most horrifying thing.
I ran over him and, of course, took care of him before asking serious questions. So he can take a little break from screaming.
From what he said, after traveling and earning big money for his family and wife, the village was Quiet. The quietness of the village gave a rough scent to his spine. Along the way, he smell blood. To continue the trail,(TW GORE) he saw dead bodies. Blood drooping from their feet as their hanging from ropes. Their Chest are also open. Like it was eaten over 1 bite.
He said he also saw Children with Horns scared. There are also civilians that has horns who died with the human society. He also saw Girls Naked. Neither of them is his wife he said. From the looks of the girls bare naked, most of them were teen looking. While some, Ladies who already have Husband's or wife."

Hearing that was Trauma. 'In what demon would eat Human?? And Human with Horns...most importantly, the Children. Oh my, taking a guess, they have must watched theyre own parents die. Right infront them. That's just horrible. Even the girls. In beliefs, they were R@p3...we must do something! Before it reaches here.'

I nodded sternly. And by the looks of Wangji, he seemed Angry too. He looked like he was feeling sad for them. The trauma they had...those innocent Bystanders...who lived in a small village...

"We need— no. We must to do something about this."

I said. Dark aura starts to surround me. Anger taking over me. But, Wangji and Jiang Cheng manage to calm me down.

Jiang Cheng said,
"I know your angry. And I am too. No, all of us are angry about this situation. But we must not let Anger take over us. It will make our situation bigger.
We still don't have any clue if this, 'Demon' can sense anger. Or can sense life Organisms. Unless if we have our Info done, we still can't go full out."

He said. I sighed and and said,
"Well, fine...atleast call A-ling, Sizhui,Zizhen, and Jingyi. We are going to need their Help."

Jiang Cheng stiffed when I said that. It must be because I called out A-ling. I was about to say sorry but, I heard whimpers. And silent cries to him.

"I know. He's the only thing that reminds us to our sister, Yanli. I can't help it too. I-i miss her too. And I know you are going to keep him safe. In the words of Yanli..."

I said to him. I almost ran out of breath saying only a few words...

"I know. But JinLing's pride is more special than the past. He's not a kid anymore. He can protect himself. He got Sizhui and the others by his side...but, I can't help but feel sad to let him go...he's the only thing dear and keeping me holding on...Yanli is inside him. And I know that, Yanli wants JinLing out too. A-ling, almost has the same Pride and Courage as his Mother and Father..."

That, hit my heart

Small tears came out of my eye...for the very first time, I whimpered in fear. As I saw my very-own courageous Brother, crying.

Jiang Cheng grabbed my shoulders with both of his hand, and cried,


I was shock. I closed my eyes and opened with lush of Determination. As my last breathe exhale. As we're about to face on YunMeng's terminal doom or so thought war, I said,

"Yes. I will. This is for YunMeng's— no. For Worlds's sake. For you, mom, dad, and Yanli."

He smiled, Wiped my tears, and believe it or not, he hugged me.

I nodded, hugged my Lan zhan, and he head off to tell them.

I know this story is sh*t and the content here is also out of the logic...so, maybe, just maybe, I'm going to restart, put this on reset. It's still a choice. But I might just do it. For the sake of logic. I was a dumb@$$ to even right this. Maybe this will be my very last. Or not. I don't know.

"Golden Love" -Zhuiling-(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now