sooo ( ̄ヘ ̄)ᵁᴹᴹ UA high

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Y/n pov

"(◞‸◟ㆀ)ˢᵒʳʳʸ hari-kun i forgot you'll be waiting for me I kinda rushed out 😓😩"
"S'okay, come on we're gonna be late "

As we were walking I kinda overheard a group of girls were at the corner whispering I only heard a little tho "I can't believe onijari-kun is still with a low life like her" one girl said " I heard that he goes up to her every morning to pick her up" "eww if I were him I would try to stay as far away as possible from that freak show, look at her ugly white her, I mean what does her quirk do anyway"  " apart from making her extra ugly" 

I just looked away to find the bathroom " u-uhmm Hari can I need to go pee "  "are you ok y

" y-yes I just need to go" I need to get out of here before the tears start flowing "uhm ok you can go but you know you didn't need to-" well I didn't need to hear the rest I shot up like a rocket and ran to the bathroom. Immediately I reached the bathroom I rushed into a stall and poured out my heart into tears after a couple of minutes I heard a knock on my stall I opened it and saw Mom(O) "h-hi momo-chan i-im late aren't I"

" yes Mr aizawa asked me to come find you, onijari-kun is also worried about you he informed me to check the bathroom and I also notice that you have been crying  is everything ok y

yes" " I'm fine now 👍 "   🤨😑 "ok then let's go back to class "


" Mr aizawa I found her she want feeling so well so she went to the bathroom 😏😉 " momo sent a wink at me so I finished her sentence for her " yh I really didn't want the whole school to see what I had for breakfast this morning sorry I took so much time"  he just gave me his classic 'your excused' and continued with the lesson, the entire time I felt Hari glaring at me

[ a

if you guys r wandering how she's so comfy with this, well she used the time under the sakura tree to decide to play along to whatever this is, but is slowly losing her memories]



Well it's lunchtime and hat decided to drag me to some stairs and 'talk'  "why we're you in the bathroom " I'm sorry I left so fast, but i didn't want to puke up all over you I would love to... Not " I know you lieing y

, you told me u rushed out this morning so you didn't eat breakfast, so I ask again Why. Were. You.In.The Bathroom" "uhm-I-its" then he just hugged me and started rubbing circles on my back 'damn you for knowing my weakness'  , annnnd like usual the dam broke and I just kept on crying until. I could mange a sentence     " they make fun of.............white hair..............weak quirk................ Ugly"
"I-I  didn't see their f-faces, in the halls, when we were h-heading to class "

" It's ok y

don't believe what they say you know how our saying goes" " ' the more they hurt you the more jealous they are' yes I know Hari "  "well come on time for lunch and I'm starving" I smiled a little and grabbed his hand while rushing off to lunch rush

We paid for our food and other followed hari-kun to apparently what is our shared table ' I see why people think we're dating, I mean we do everything together from eating Lunch in the cafeteria to our weekly lunch ' dates ' but the thing is I don't like him in a romantic way,  at least anymore yeah we tried the whole dating thing but it didn't work for us it was like being friends but with a label'  We passed the popular baku squad table and I made eye contact with THE Bakugo katsuki , blushed a little and looked away ' arrrg even in my own fanfics I have a crush on him ' , we FINALLY made it to our table and started eating lunch peacefully until.
See you on the next one

Until THEY came

" Oh hi~ hari-kun " their ringleader ( riko) said  ' 😠 only I get to call him hari-kun and his potential girlfriend'  "uhmm first of all onijari-kun, secondly" The way he said it with every bit of annoyance I know his my best friend but God that was sexy asf . "Calm down hari-kun, oops I mean onijari-kun,I just wanted to ask if you want to sit with me today" "uhh lemme me think🤔 . NO "
"I-why not"

"look I'm kinda busy so go bother someone else with your presence " she just got all angry, stumped her foot and turned around  " gurl if your trying to seduce him with your ass it ain't working sister, since your facing the other way just like walk away" that gave an idea
"I wasn't talking to you, mind your own business"
"she's giving you the privilege of sitting with her and you just refused what every guy has been trying to do for ages now" her annoying best friend of hers (ibiki) backed her up " oh really mention one guy apart from mineta and kaminari who actually like wanted to sit with you, in fact I'm done here, y

you coming" "gladly , ta ta girls" I took his hand all fancy like and walked way with blowing a kiss  💨 💋 to them we walked out with our signature peace  sign over our heads ✌(◕‿-)✌

Immediately we walked out we started giggling like elementary kids " wanna go to the roof" I asked "  "sure" we raced all the way to the roof , sat down and finished our meals " that was good I always feel so alive when I'm in airy areas like this" "probably cause of your quirk" I gave him the confused face 😕❓" your manipulation of wind quirk" 
"oohhh thhhhhat"  "👀+🔁=🙄 seriously well let's practice your quirk right now, try flying again" "k-k"   ' honestly I don't remember how, so I just focused energy to my legs and I couldn't feel the ground any more " nice y

now try... Kicks" "the hell I'm gonna fall "  "then control the wind to catch you doiiiii "  "oh ok then so high kick....... Hiiii-ya " I did an almost perfect high kick I just flipped last minute " darn it "   "you can practice during training y

, get down lunch's almost over "   "yes DAD "
"HA HA very funny, come on
(づ ̄³ ̄)ᑦᵒᔿᵉᵒᐢ "     "kk" I slowly spread the energy evenly around my body and started slowly descending
" (づ ̄³ ̄)ᑦᵒᔿᵉᵒᐢ  hari-sensei , Class time"

Next time on
5 more mins.....In anime

,.....,....,.....,....,..... Training ⏰.......,.......,......,...

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