Cullen Babies part 2 chapter 2

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Hey guys! I'm back! I finally got my grades up!!!!!!!! And my poem for school got selected for a poetry contest! Well anyway I don't own twilight S.M does I'm just writing a fan fiction. ENJOY!!!!!!!

EJ pov

It's been a week since the Voultri left and my family decide we would help, to tell you the truth I don't think I can. Not that I think I'm not strong enough but the fact is I wouldn't be able to bear if anything happened to my family. Today we are practicing fighting........lets just say were going to have a little more fun than actual work.

"Ready city-slicker?" Cole asked as he can down the steps of the house. A couple years back we learned that Cole had a slight southern accent but he only used it when he was around me. I laughed and rolled my eyes, as we ran through the forest I realized how much he's changed, what once was a straight blonde haired hazel eyed boy now had brown curly hair and blue eyes. Cole glanced and me and flashed a smile.

-don't hate me because I'm beautiful- I snorted a laugh at his thought when we finally came into the clearing.

They were just standing there, there was something out of place. I vicious snarl sounded from above as I was tackled to the ground. I hissed back and threw my dad away to attack him, everyone started laughing because they knew we could see into each others mind and pinpoint when the next move would be.

"Alright truce" he said laughing as we pulled ourselves off the ground.

Cole pov (let's see how his head differs from EJ's)

The fight was going to be happening in a couple hours I seen it a few days ago, after the Voultri left but came back after hunting. In all truth it's kind of cool being able to fight but in the same time frightening. A strong emotion of love hit me, I glanced at EJ and smiled.

-don't hate me because I'm beautiful-

He laughed as we continued our way to the clearing for fighting. And of coarse Edward and EJ have to seen the first few minutes fighting when our lives are practically at stake! But I have to admit EJ really looks good when he's fighting........ok if you didn't catch that I'm in the closet. The only person who knows I'm gay is EJ mostly because he can get in my mind and we shared a room for the past ten years before he met Tanya.

"All right, is everyone really for the fight?" Carlisle asked jut in case anyone wanted to leave now. He all glanced around at each other as if daring one another to step out. "how long?"

"ten seconds" my mom and I answered back.

We turned to the entrance where we said they would come, then it all started. My father led us in he and my uncle Emmett flipped over and crashed the newborns skulls in. Fire wrapped around the bodies as we continued on. Just like my vision the battle was over quick and easy with no one harmed.

"thank you" Aro said. Carlisle was around to answer back when a newborn came from the shadows and lunged for Edward.

"NO!" EJ growled and threw himself in front of the newborn taking the deadly bite.................

Alright show oh hands who is happy with this chapter? How wants more? and who is staring at there screen thinking wtf? Hahaha!!!!!!!!!! I really want to hear about it! Any way do what ever you can on here and COMMENT I LOVE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!


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