Chapter 14

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Georges POV~~~

I woke up to arms around my waist. I shot up out of my spot and looked over. Ow, my stomach hurts. "Hey, lay back down. The people said you had to rest." Dream groaned pulling me back onto the pillow.

"But I don't want to" I tried to get back up but the tight grip kept me in place. "Well I said, now stay here while I go make breakfast" dream got up walking out of the room, while he was doing so he looked back the make sure I wasn't going to get up.

I just sat back in defeat. Maybe Dream was right, maybe I did need the rest. But I wasn't going to admit he was right. I just thought back from last night and remembered. I told Dream I loved him.

This is not good. Why the hell did I say that? I'm so dumb. Well I do love him, but what if he doesn't like me back. I was terrified. But at the same time I was happy. Maybe he did like me and I wasn't dumb. or maybe I was wrong...

I just rolled over and grabbed my phone. I went onto Bad's contact and texted him...


Bad I need your help

What do you need my help with?

so you know the man I came to the UK with right?

Yeah, Dream. Right?

Yeah. Well anyways some stuff happened yesterday and he kissed me, and before I fell asleep I told him I loved him. And now I have no idea what to do. Can you please give me some advice?

Well first of all if he kissed you that definitely means he likes you . And second of all no need to be worried just tell him how you feel and he will surely understand. I mean he did help you get out of a mess.

Ok thanks Bad i'll tell him how I feel in a little bit. Byee I love you.

Your welcome George byeee, I love you too. tell me how it goes.

I willlll

I turned off my phone and but it back on the nightstand. Bad was the most helpful person I have ever met. A little after that Dream came in with a tray of food. He came and sat of the bed and handed it to me.

"Thank you Dream, you are honestly so helpful" I took the tray and put it in my lap. "Only for you George" Dream just gave me a warm smile and started to walk away. "Hey mister, don't you walk away from me. I need to talk to you after I eat my food" I just groaned shoving some egg in my mouth.

"Fine I'll just go on my phone while you eat, brat" Dream grabbed his phone from his pocket and sat on the bed. I just laughed and ate my food. It was super good, the best food I've ever had.

I was finished with my food and set the tray on the night stand. I turned over to Dream turning off his phone. He looked over to me knowing what was about to happen.

"Ok so you know, about last night. I meant it. I know you probably don't feel the same for me but all I know is that you are the one for me. Whenever I'm around you I get flustered. You make me feel safe. And just knowing I can trust you makes me fall for you even more and-" I got cut of from a kiss to my lips.

It was so passionate. It was quick but filled with love. "I love you to George. And I obviously feel the same way, you don't have to worry" He kissed me again but with more rhythm. It felt so good to finally be able to kiss the person I love for.

We both let go from the kiss, panting lightly from how long we kissed with no breath. Our heads were together and our noses touched.

His eyes were beautiful. I truly do love him. Even if I tried not to, it wouldn't last. I hope he is mine forever. "George, will you be my boyfriend?" I was screaming inside, I wanted this. I needed this. "Yes I will" I closed my eyes and smiled.

He just kissed me again. It felt so real. It was a feeling I have never felt. My heat was taking loops. My stomach was filled with butterflies. I knew this love will last as forever is.

We just layed back down. I was laying on his chest and he was playing with my hair...

'Thank you Bad, for everything'


NO THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE STORY TO LET TO LET YOU KNOW. Also thank you all so much for over 200 reads you are all so great and I'm so thankful for all of you.

(Word count 828)

The Criminal (DNF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora