𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗 ▏︎Touchdown

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Sunghoon's POV
It's the first official football game of the season. I have never had an interest in playing, but it sure as hell is fun to watch. Tonight we are playing some private school called "Blue Horizon". It's a pretty dumb name, I know. "YOO PARK! You pumped for the game?" Jake yells at me while running to catch up. "Yeah I guess". "Tonight it gonna be so epic! I'm so ready to dominate those Blur Horizon guys!" Jake says, still practically yelling. I laugh to myself. Jake has been on varsity since our first year in high school. He's a damn good player, but no one really took him seriously since he was an underclass man, but now that he's a junior, people see him as the star player, and other school teams see him as a threat.

I was walking to gym when someone came up behind me. "Hey ice boy!" Taehyung. "You coming to watch the game?" I could feel the annoyance building up inside of me. "Yeah, why?". "Just wondering. I think Aerin is coming, so I'm pretty pumped about that. Anyways see you later Park."

How does he know Aerin is coming? And why didn't I know she was coming?

BAM! "JESUS!" I say as I hold my cheek. "That fucking hurt!" I yell at this kid Connor. I fucking hate dodge ball. It's the dumbest sport to ever exist. "YOU'RE OUT PARK!" He yells. Fucking bitch. I haven't been in a good mood all day and this didn't help. I only have one more period and then I can go home and relax until the game, which I don't even want to go to. "Hey, you good?" Jake asks as he runs over. "I'm fine" I say sharply. "Let's just finish this dumb game"

* Game Time *

Aerin's POV
My first football game at my new school. To say I'm excited is an understatement.

"Ticket please." The lady working at the ticket booth says in a very dull, emotionless way.

I hand her my ticket with a smile, she punches a hole and let me into the stadium. There was a concessions booth with many different food, but I'll I got was a water. There were still 5 minutes till the game.

I went to go find a seat and then sat down. The metal bleacher was cold and gave me a shiver.

3 minutes till kick-off

2 minutes till kick-off

Sunghoon's POV

There was one minute till kick-off and I still had to find a seat. I was searching around the stadium to see someone I knew to sit by when then, I saw Aerin. She was sitting on the very top of the bleachers in the corner. I walk up the bleachers and take a seat next to her.


Her head lifts from her book and turns to me.

"Sunghoon, hi!"

She sounded startled but happy to see me.

"You ready for this game?" I ask

"Absolutely!! I'm so excited!"

"Are you ready SCHS?!" The announcer yells. It was obnoxiously loud, but when it comes to a sporting event, I enjoy the obnoxious annoncer voice. It adds to the "vibes"

10 seconds till kick-off

5 seconds till kick-off

The whistle blew and the game started.

Everyone was cheering at our first touchdown of the game. It was the first game of the season so everyone is pretty riled up. There is a lot of adrenaline is everyone here, including me. I glance over at Aerin and she is transfixed on the game. She's studying every move of the players, focused on every detail. She looked séries than jumped up screaming pumping her fists in the air. I look down at the field and we got our second touchdown.

The game ended 12-4. After the game Jake came running to me, wabbling from the giant gear bag he had around his chest. "DUDE WE WON!" I laughed and gave him a smirk. "I know, I saw, Jake". I put my arm around his shoulders as we walked to the car. Most people had left already, but I had to wait for Jake since I was his ride home. "So, I saw you and Aerin sitting next to each other, how did that go?" Jake asked. I looked at him confused. "It was nice, but how did you see all the way up there?!" Jake laughed and shook his head. "She was one of the first people here, or at least one of the first people to sit down." Makes sense.

I turned in the engine of my car and left the parking lot. There were a lot of students in the parking lot talking amongst each other, eating food and laughing.

"Thanks for doing this, man" Jake said as he got out of the car and grabbed his gear. "Anytime"

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Tuesday December 21st 5:16PM 2021
Hey guys! I'm surprisingly proud of this chapter. I had a lot of writers block through out this chapter but I did have multiple lightbulb ideas. They are small things but I'm happy about them haha. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Story facts

- SCHS stand for "Seoul Central High School

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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