Cheater Eli x Female Reader part 2

Start from the beginning

She smirked and hugged me. "No you won't." "Yes I will! Watch me lets go play another game!" I ran over to the next game available and we played for hours. I got my fair share of beating her in games but overall she still won.

"(Y/n) are you hungry?" "I mean I could eat if you wanted to. I'll pay because I did lose after all." "No its alright I'll pay." She was too late to answer because I already got us some food and drinks. "Well you move fast." She giggled and we sat down at a nearby booth. We talked and talked and talked almost to the point where my jaw started to hurt.

We talked about various topics like embarrassing stories, old childhood memories, our school life. It was nice to have this conversation with her. It made me feel so close to her. 'I feel complete again.' Those days she left I felt so cold and empty. I'm lucky to have her back even if it was a rash decision. I got lost in her eyes. She had such pretty blue eyes and her lips I wanted to kiss her.

"You ready to go home (Y/n)?" "Yes I'm ready lets go home." I got into the car with her and we were singing out hearts out to. Song we dedicated to each other.  We looked at each other and smiled. My heart skipped a beat. It felt like time went slow when I was with her. She made me so happy and I'm glad she decided to come back into my life.

We got home ten minutes later and we were chasing each other she ran across the street and I ran towards her. Time felt slow again but the accident happened so fast. "(Y/n)! Watch out!" A speeding car  hit me and everything went black. 'SCREECH'

My body jolted awake. When I opened my eyes everything was bright and blurry. Everything sounded so fuzzy. "(Y/n)?" I saw a man dressed in a white uniform and looked over me. "You were in a accident a while ago." I was so confused. "A nice young lady would visit every once and a while she left some letters." I nodded and he exited the room. 'I have no idea who that lady could be. Who even am I?' I looked over on the desk and started looking through the letters.

'Dear (Y/n),

I feel incredibly guilty about everything that had happened. This is my first letter to you and I really miss you I wish I could turn back time and save you. If you don't remember I'm Eli Ayase you're ex girlfriend. If you can't remember what happened after I walked out you opened the door and tried to run after me but you didn't make it in time and got hit by a speeding car.'

~~~ Flashback ~~~
(Eli)'s pov

"No Eli wait!" I turned behind me and say (Y/n) rushing towards me. "No (Y/n) watch out!" She didn't see the car and it hit her. Horrified I walked towards her body. I called the ambulance and told them everything. "(Y/n) please we can fix this! I'll do better I promise. I'll be a better person for you. You can make it out alive please." I held her in my arms and sobbed. "(Y/n) please I'll be better." The ambulance arrived and took her away. "Don't take her from me please." I felt so guilty. I couldn't get the image of her body lying there.

~~~ End of flashback ~~~

'The doctors have been waiting for you to wake up. That day can't stop replaying in my head. Please wake up soon.

Eli Ayase.'

'Eli ayase? Have I heard that name before?'

'Dear (Y/n),

I've been sitting her for an hour hoping you'd wake up. I have such reoccurring dreams that you'll come back and I regret everything. Please come back I miss you so much and I can't believe its already been two weeks. Don't leave me (Y/n). Im sorry.

With much love,
Eli Ayase.'

'Why are tears flowing down my face?'

'Dear (Y/n),

It's already been two months. I can't believe you're still in the hospital bed. I wish this never happened. I wish you didn't run after me. You're so stupid why did you run? Why?! Everyday its so empty without you. I miss you (Y/n) I don't know if I can bring myself to come here anymore.

Eli Ayase.'

'Eli? Is that you?'

'To (Y/n),

Remember all those memories of us? How we would always be so competitive at arcades. I miss that. I miss that with you. (Y/n) its almost been a year. I can't bring myself to come here again. Everything is so painful and I can't watch you slowly die. I have no hope you'll wake up again.

Eli ayase.'

'Eli no. I'm sorry its all my fault.'

'To (Y/n),

This is my last note to you. Its officially been a year and a few months. I miss you so much no words can express how much I do. I want to head your laugh, see your smile, everything (Y/n). I love you. I mean this but we have to go separate ways. I can't keep watching this. I don't want to watch you suffer because this is all my fault. I've failed you (Y/n). I should've jumped to get you. I shouldn't have cheated. I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I have so many nightmares about you. I can't ever be forgiven for this. I will never forget you. I can't ever come back here. Theres a chance you might never see me again. You definitely won't be hearing from me anytime soon. I miss you (Y/n). I want you to come back and be safe in my arms. Sadly, fate didn't allow this for us. I love you (Y/n).

Eli Ayase.'

She never wrote back to me again. That dream felt so real. I thought she came back to me again. I felt a dull pain in my heart. I miss her and after all this time it was just a dream.

The end.

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