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- Reality Bites Me

"You cannot seriously think that a blind girl broke into my house" Spencer exclaimed in disbelief as the five girls where standing around her locker at school, " I mean, that would take a lot more than a talking GPS"

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"You cannot seriously think that a blind girl broke into my house" Spencer exclaimed in disbelief as the five girls where standing around her locker at school, " I mean, that would take a lot more than a talking GPS"

Aria frowned shrugging her shoulders as her eyes scanned the hallway keeping her voice low as to not be overheard by students walking past the five teenagers, " Well, I didn't say that Jenna was alone" Aurora couldn't help but scoff in disbelief as she narrowed her eyes at the brunette and resorted, " you can't be seriously thinking that Toby had anything to do with this"

"Why not? You guys think her guide dog left behind his lipstick?" Aria sarcastically asked narrowing her eyes at Aurora who rolled her eyes and responded, " can you be any more idiotic? Why would Toby bring Jenna with him? if it is them, don't you think if he wanted to break into Spencer's place he wouldn't exactly bring a blind girl with him now she wouldn't be a good lookout seeing as Jenna is blind"

"Maybe it wasn't Toby," Emily suggested with a shrug of her shoulders as she glanced at her friends only for Spencer to shoot her a look and sarcastically questioned, " Yeah, do you wanna ask what your lab partner was doing last night? If, you know, maybe he took a break from sitting on his porch and pulling the heads off squirrels"

Aurora rolled her eyes in agitation at the fact that her friends would so easily pin this on Toby without any proof before the brunette could say anything Mr Sheldrake interrupted the girl's conversation as he called out from down the hall, " Spencer!" Mr Sheldrake made his way over to the group of girls with a smile and continued, " Sorry, ladies, I didn't mean to interrupt but I hope you're as proud of your friend as I am"

Aurora frowned as she glanced at Hanna who shrugged her shoulders just as confused as she was when Mr Sheldrake held up an envelope handing it over to Spencer, " congratulations, my instincts were right. This just makes it official" Mr Sheldrake sent one last smile to the girls before walking away.

"What's that about?" Aria curiously questioned raising her eyebrows at the Hastings girl who shoved the envelope in her locker before shutting it as she turned back to look at her friends and answered, " an essay contests" Emily looked at Spencer in confusion and questioned, " wait, did you win it? Aren't you gonna at least open the envelope?"

"Why should she?" Aurora teasingly asked with a smirk on her face as Hanna nodded her head in agreement with the brunette and added in, " yeah, Spencer wins an award for waking up" Aria and Emily chuckled at the two girls while Spencer smiled looking down at the ground with a guilty look on her face.

The paper that the Hastings girl handed in wasn't her own but was her sisters Melissa and couldn't help but feel guilty taking credit for a paper that her sister had done when she was in high school. The school bell rang causing Aurora to let out a heavy sigh as she entwined her arm with Hanna dragging the blonde to their next class.