Chapter Thirty- Eight

Start from the beginning

"He won't listen." Leo says quietly shaking his head. I put my hands on my hips, taking a deep breathe in order to be sure that I don't lose my temper. "You only say that because in your mind, you tell yourself that you're trying to talk to him and he ignores you when in reality you don't even try. You keep yourself locked up in this room whenever you're not in school just to pity yourself. Now don't you find it sad that I don't even know you yet I know all of this just from looking at you and hearing your attitude in these couple of minutes?" I tell him in a stern voice.

There is a long silence that follows. His facial expression change as he has a staredown with the floor. I think I smile as I see him think so hard about something that he's been holding in for so long yet it only took 5 minutes just to finally have it said. I walk up to him and give him a light shove on the shoulder, "go talk to him. We can work on our brother-sister relationship later. This is clearly more important."

He looks back at me as if to say 'are you sure?' I nod and guesture for him to go. He gives me a small smile and walks out of the room leaving me grinning because of the confidence I feel that I've gained.


At the front desk of what seems to be the jailhouse, my heart pounds. This is the last conversation I will have with my mother. The clock is ticking and this is it. Everything I have ever wanted her to know has to come out now because soon enough, seeing her will be forbidden.

I'm brought into a room made entirely of cement. Several round tables also made of cement are the only kind of objects filling the room. I sit on one of the hard, stone cold stools placed around the table and wait for the arrival of my mother, also known as my kidnapper.

A big door opens and in comes my mother with a police woman trailing behind her. It's painful to see my mother in the full jail uniform, a glum expression, pale skin and what seems to be her natural hair color finally growing out. My throat gets tight and I constantly remember this is bareable, this is good for her even though it seems suddenly so wrong to me.

When my mother sits, I reach other the table and embrace her. Her bones stiffen before she puts her own arms around me. "Hi mom." I whisper.

She pulls away and that's when I notice the dark circles under her eyes. It pains me to see her like this, but when I remember the way I feel so free and feel finally like I'm able to breathe, I don't feel as bad. She gives me a failed smile, "how are you? Is he treating you okay?"

I smile a small smile, "I'm fine. And dad? Mom, he's great. Why-Why would you take me away from him?" My mother looks at the table, slowly shaking her head. "No, I mean the boy." She says keeping her eyes on the table. It's a creepy kind of stare, like wide eyes, no blinking kind of stare.

Does she mean Carson? She knows he lives in the United States doesn't she? "Oh he doesn't live here, Mom." I tell her. Instead of looking up at me she just begins shaking her head again. I get chills down my spine seeing her do that. "I know that."

"Oh, um. Well we aren't together anymore, I kind of realized he was a jerk." I keep myself from looking down and fiddling with my fingers like I would have months ago if the situation would have been different. My mother releases a deep sigh, "that's a shame, isn't it?"

I furrow my brows. "No, it's not my fault it just wasn't working out. But mom can you stop acting all-" her head snaps up startling me. I see her eyes beginning to get red where the white was. "All what? Am I scaring you?" My mother stands, towering over me. I scoot back so far on my stool that I almost fall off.

"Yes, you are now stop!" She doesn't stop. She begins to inch closer and closer, mummbling something under her breathe. "What?" I ask unable to hear her voice. "I tried to help you and you resisted. Forget about me. Forget me." She says over and over again as she gets closer and closer my way. I stand from my stool backing away, looking past my mother at the officer standing in the corner minding her own business. When I stare long enough, her gaze catches mine and she sees me struggling to keep a distance from my possesed mother. The officer runs towards us grabbing my mother forcefully by the shoulders, and saying "Sorry, it's been days since she slept."

I raise a brow at the officer. "Days?" I don't understand what's going on here, Why is she dressed in the uniform already? "Isn't she supposed to be coming tomorrow?" I ask cluelessy. The officer shakes her head in a disappointed way, "I don't know if I should be the one to tell you but your mother here tried to go after your brother, so she was ordered to come early."

I nod my head feeling a frown form on my face. Turns out the last conversation I had with my mother wasn't the best conversation we could've had, but I guess it doesn't mean I can't remember all the other good ones we had. I can't shake the thought that I actually thought I would get to talk to her as the real me and the real her. Or maybe that was the real her. All I know is after the small difficult conversation, I exit the jailhouse feeling like I am done fighting. It's officially over, I'll conitinue to walk until I get home, and I'll do exactly what my mother told me; I'll forget her.

3 days of school left.. i think yes

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